
Custom transactions

This is an example of how to use custom transactions. For general information about the Elastic APM Node.js Transaction API, see the Transaction API documentation.

The Elastic APM agent for Node.js instruments your application by grouping incoming HTTP requests into logical buckets. Each HTTP request is recorded in what we call a transaction. But if your application is not a regular HTTP server, the Node.js agent will not able to know when a transaction should start and when it ends.

If for instance your application is a background job processing worker or is only accepting WebSockets, you’ll need to manually start and end transactions.

Example of a background job application polling the SQS queuing system for jobs:

var apm = require('elastic-apm-node').start()
var sqs = require('simple-sqs')()

// listen for jobs on the queue
var queue = sqs(queueUrl, function (msg, cb) {
  // The SQS queue will send multiple messages using an array
  // of records
  var tasks = msg.Body.Records.map(function (job) {
    return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
      // start one new transaction for each job record received
      // on the queue
      var name = 'Job ' + job.type
      var type = 'job'
      var trans = apm.startTransaction(name, type)

      // call the function that actually processes the job
      processJob(job, function (err) {
        // if the job could not be processes, set the result to
        // a 5xx error code. Here 500 indicates error, 200 is ok
        trans.result = err ? 'error' : 'success'

        // end the transaction

        if (err) {
        } else {

  Promise.all(tasks).then(function () {
  }, cb)

queue.on('error', function (err) {
  // in case the queue encounters an error, report it to Elastic APM