
Step 3: Use new option names

Several options are renamed in filestream. You can find a table with all of the changed configuration names at the end of this guide.

The most significant change you have to know about is in parsers. The configuration of multiline, json, and other parsers has changed. Now the ordering is configurable, so filestream expects a list of parsers. Furthermore, the json parser was renamed to ndjson.

The example configuration shown earlier needs to be adjusted as well:

- type: filestream
  enabled: true
  id: my-java-collector
  take_over: true
    - /var/log/java-exceptions*.log
    - multiline:
        pattern: '^\['
        negate: true
        match: after
  close.on_state_change.removed: true
  close.on_state_change.renamed: true

- type: filestream
  enabled: true
  id: my-application-input
  take_over: true
    - /var/log/my-application*.json
  prospector.scanner.check_interval: 1m
    - ndjson:
        keys_under_root: true

- type: filestream
  enabled: true
  id: my-old-files
  take_over: true
    - /var/log/my-old-files*.log
  ignore_inactive: since_last_start
Option name in log input Option name in filestream input
recursive_glob.enabled prospector.scanner.recursive_glob
harvester_buffer_size buffer_size
max_bytes message_max_bytes
json parsers.n.ndjson
multiline parsers.n.multiline
exclude_files prospector.scanner.exclude_files
close_inactive close.on_state_change.inactive
close_removed close.on_state_change.removed
close_eof close.reader.on_eof
close_timeout close.reader.after_interval
close_inactive close.on_state_change.inactive
scan_frequency prospector.scanner.check_interval
tail_files ignore_inactive.since_last_start
symlinks prospector.scanner.symlinks
backoff backoff.init
backoff_max backoff.max