Elasticsearch upgrade predicates
The rules (otherwise known as predicates) that the ECK operator follows during an Elasticsearch upgrade can be selectively disabled for certain scenarios where the ECK operator will not proceed with an Elasticsearch cluster upgrade because it deems it to be "unsafe".
- Selectively disabling the predicates is extremely risky, and carry a high chance of either data loss, or causing a cluster to become completely unavailable. Use them only if you are sure that you are not causing permanent damage to an Elasticsearch cluster.
- These predicates might change in the future. We will be adding, removing, and renaming these over time, so be careful in adding these to any automation.
- Also, make sure you remove them after use by running
kublectl annotate elasticsearch.elasticsearch.k8s.elastic.co/elasticsearch-sample eck.k8s.elastic.co/disable-upgrade-predicates-
The following named predicates control the upgrade process
Upgrade the frozen tier first, then the cold tier, then the warm tier, and the hot tier last. This ensures ILM can continue to move data through the tiers during the upgrade.
is reached, only allow unhealthy Pods to be deleted.skip_already_terminating_pods
Do not attempt to restart pods that are already in the process of being terminated.
Only restart healthy Elasticsearch nodes if the health of the cluster is either green or yellow, never red.
During a rolling upgrade, primary shards assigned to a node running a new version cannot have their replicas assigned to a node with the old version. Therefore we must allow some Pods to be restarted even if cluster health is yellow so the replicas can be assigned.
If a cluster is yellow, allow deleting a node, but only if they do not contain the only replica of a shard since it would make the cluster go red.
Only allow a single master to be upgraded at a time.
Force an upgrade of all the master-ineligible nodes before upgrading the last master-eligible node.
Do not allow two pods containing the same shard to be deleted at the same time.
Do not delete all nodes that share the same node roles at once. This ensures that there is always availability for each configured tier of nodes during a rolling upgrade.
Any of these predicates can be disabled by adding an annotation with the key of eck.k8s.elastic.co/disable-upgrade-predicates
to the Elasticsearch metadata, specifically naming the predicate that is needing to be disabled. Also, all predicates can be disabled by replacing the name of any predicate with "*".
Assume a given Elasticsearch cluster is a "red" state because of an un-allocatable shard setting that was applied to the cluster:
"settings": {
"index.routing.allocation.include._id": "does not exist"
This cluster would never be allowed to be upgraded with the standard set of upgrade predicates in place, as the cluster is in a "red" state, and the named predicate only_restart_healthy_node_if_green_or_yellow
prevents the upgrade.
If the following annotation was added to the cluster specification, and the version was increased from 7.15.2 → 7.15.3
apiVersion: elasticsearch.k8s.elastic.co/v1
kind: Elasticsearch
name: testing
eck.k8s.elastic.co/disable-upgrade-predicates: "only_restart_healthy_node_if_green_or_yellow"
# Also note that eck.k8s.elastic.co/disable-upgrade-predicates: "*" would work as well, but is much less selective.
version: 7.15.31
- previously set to 7.15.2, for example
The ECK operator would allow this upgrade to proceed, even though the cluster was in a "red" state during this upgrade process.