

A table is an arrangement of data with rows and columns. Each row consists of cells containing arbitrary text in which inlines are parsed, separated by pipes |. The rows of a table consist of:

  • a single header row
  • a delimiter row separating the header from the data
  • zero or more data rows
Country Capital
USA Washington D.C.
Canada Ottawa
Mexico Mexico City
Brazil Brasília
UK London
| Country | Capital         |
| ------- | --------------- |
| USA     | Washington D.C. |
| Canada  | Ottawa          |
| Mexico  | Mexico City     |
| Brazil  | Brasília        |
| UK      | London          |
  • A leading and trailing pipe is recommended for clarity of reading
  • Spaces between pipes and cell content are trimmed
  • Block-level elements cannot be inserted in a table
Country Austria
Capital Vienna
Calling code +43
ISO 3166 code AT
|                   |         |
| **Country**       | Austria |
| **Capital**       | Vienna  |
| **Calling code**  | +43     |
| **ISO 3166 code** | AT      |

Every table is responsive by default. The table will automatically scroll horizontally when the content is wider than the viewport.

Product Name Price ($) Stock Category Rating Color Weight (kg) Warranty (months)
Laptop Pro 1299.99 45 Computer 4.5 Silver 1.8 24
Smart Watch 299.99 120 Wearable 4.2 Black 0.045 12
Desk Chair 199.50 78 Furniture 4.8 Gray 12.5 36
| Product Name | Price ($) | Stock  | Category  | Rating  | Color    | Weight (kg) | Warranty (months) |
| Laptop Pro   | 1299.99   | 45     | Computer  | 4.5     | Silver   | 1.8         | 24                |
| Smart Watch  | 299.99    | 120    | Wearable  | 4.2     | Black    | 0.045       | 12                |
| Desk Chair   | 199.50    | 78     | Furniture | 4.8     | Gray     | 12.5        | 36                |