
Change your password

If you created a password when you signed up for an Elastic Cloud account, or you added the password-based login method to your account, then you can change your password if needed.

If you know your current password:

  1. Log in to the Elastic Cloud Console.
  2. Open the user menu in the header bar.
  3. Go to Profile.
  4. Select Change password.
  5. Enter the current password and provide the new password that you want to use.

If you don’t know your current password:

  1. At the login screen for the Elastic Cloud Console, select the link Forgot password?.

  2. Enter the primary email address for your account and select Reset password.

    By default, to sign up for Elastic Cloud you use your primary email address. If you change it at some point, use your current email address to log in to Elastic Cloud.

    An email is sent to the address you specified with a link to reset the password. If you don’t get the email after a few minutes, check your spam folder.