
Timeline schema

Elastic Stack Serverless Security

The Timeline schema lists all the JSON fields and objects required to create a Timeline or a Timeline template using the Create Timeline API.


All column, dropzone, and filter fields must be ECS fields.

This screenshot maps the Timeline UI components to their JSON objects:

timeline object ui
  1. Title (title)
  2. Global notes (globalNotes)
  3. Data view (dataViewId)
  4. KQL bar query (kqlQuery)
  5. Time filter (dateRange)
  6. Additional filters (filters)
  7. KQL bar mode (kqlMode)
  8. Dropzone (each clause is contained in its own dataProviders object)
  9. Column headers (columns)
  10. Event-specific notes (eventNotes)
Name Type Description
columns columns[] The Timeline’scolumns.
created Float The time the Timeline was created, using a 13-digit Epochtimestamp.
createdBy String The user who created the Timeline.
dataProviders dataProviders[] Object containing dropzone queryclauses.
dataViewId String ID of the Timeline’s Data View, for example: "dataViewId":"security-solution-default".
dateRange dateRange The Timeline’s search period:

* end: The time up to which events are searched, using a 13-digit Epoch timestamp.
* start: The time from which events are searched, using a 13-digit Epoch timestamp.
description String The Timeline’s description.
eventNotes eventNotes[] Notes added to specific events in the Timeline.
eventType String Event types displayed in the Timeline, which can be:

* All data sources
* Events: Event sources only
* Detection Alerts: Detection alerts only
favorite favorite[] Indicates when and who marked aTimeline as a favorite.
filters filters[] Filters usedin addition to the dropzone query.
globalNotes globalNotes[] Global notes added to the Timeline.
kqlMode String Indicates whether the KQL bar filters the dropzone query results or searches for additional results, where:

* filter: filters dropzone query results
* search: displays additional search results
kqlQuery kqlQuery KQL barquery.
pinnedEventIds pinnedEventIds[] IDs of events pinned to the Timeline’ssearch results.
savedObjectId String The Timeline’s saved object ID.
savedQueryId String If used, the saved query ID used to filter or searchdropzone query results.
sort sort Object indicating how rows are sorted in the Timeline’s grid:

* columnId (string): The ID of the column used to sort results.
* sortDirection (string): The sort direction, which can be either desc or asc.
templateTimelineId String A unique ID (UUID) for Timeline templates. For Timelines, the value is null.
templateTimelineVersion Integer Timeline template version number. ForTimelines, the value is null.
timelineType String Indicates whether the Timeline is a template or not, where:

* default: Indicates a Timeline used to actively investigate events.
* template: Indicates a Timeline template used when detection rule alerts are investigated in Timeline.
title String The Timeline’s title.
updated Float The last time the Timeline was updated, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp.
updatedBy String The user who last updated the Timeline.
version String The Timeline’s version.
Name Type Description
aggregatable Boolean Indicates whether the field can be aggregated acrossall indices (used to sort columns in the UI).
category String The ECS field set to which the field belongs.
description String UI column field description tooltip.
example String UI column field example tooltip.
indexes String Security indices in which the field exists and has the sameElasticsearch type. null when all the security indices have the field with the sametype.
id String ECS field name, displayed as the column header in the UI.
type String The field’s type.
Name Type Description
and dataProviders[] Array containing dropzone query clauses using ANDlogic.
enabled Boolean Indicates if the dropzone query clause is enabled.
excluded Boolean Indicates if the dropzone query clause uses NOT logic.
id String The dropzone query clause’s unique ID.
name String The dropzone query clause’s name (the clause’s valuewhen Timelines are exported from the UI).
queryMatch queryMatch The dropzone query clause:

* field (string): The field used to search Security indices.
* operator (string): The clause’s operator, which can be:

* : - The field has the specified value.
* :* - The field exists.

* value (string): The field’s value used to match results.
Name Type Description
created Float The time the note was created, using a 13-digit Epochtimestamp.
createdBy String The user who added the note.
eventId String The ID of the event to which the note was added.
note String The note’s text.
noteId String The note’s ID
timelineId String The ID of the Timeline to which the note was added.
updated Float The last time the note was updated, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp.
updatedBy String The user who last updated the note.
version String The note’s version.
Name Type Description
favoriteDate Float The time the Timeline was marked as a favorite, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp.
fullName String The full name of the user who marked the Timeline asa favorite.
keySearch String userName encoded in Base64.
userName String The Kibana username of the user who marked theTimeline as a favorite.
Name Type Description
exists String Exists term query for thespecified field (null when undefined). For example, {"field":"user.name"}.
meta meta Filter details:

* alias (string): UI filter name.
* disabled (boolean): Indicates if the filter is disabled.
* key(string): Field name or unique string ID.
* negate (boolean): Indicates if the filter query clause uses NOT logic.
* params (string): Value of phrase filter types.
* type (string): Type of filter. For example, exists and range. For more information about filtering, see Query DSL.
match_all String Match all term queryfor the specified field (null when undefined).
query String DSL query (null when undefined). Forexample, {"match_phrase":{"ecs.version":"1.4.0"}}.
range String Range query (null whenundefined). For example, {"@timestamp":{"gte":"now-1d","lt":"now"}}".
Name Type Description
created Float The time the note was created, using a 13-digit Epochtimestamp.
createdBy String The user who added the note.
note String The note’s text.
noteId String The note’s ID
timelineId String The ID of the Timeline to which the note was added.
updated Float The last time the note was updated, using a13-digit Epoch timestamp.
updatedBy String The user who last updated the note.
version String The note’s version.
Name Type Description
filterQuery filterQuery Object containing query details:

* kuery: Object containing the query’s clauses and type:

* expression(string): The query’s clauses.
* kind (string): The type of query, which can be kuery or lucene.

* serializedQuery (string): The query represented in JSON format.