
Explore your data

In addition to search, Elasticsearch Serverless offers several options for analyzing and visualizing your data.


These features are available on all Elastic deployment types: self-managed clusters, Elastic Cloud Hosted deployments, and Elasticsearch Serverless projects. They are documented in the Elasticsearch and Kibana core documentation.

Use aggregations in your _search API requests to summarize your data as metrics, statistics, or other analytics.


Use the Discover UI to quickly search and filter your data, get information about the structure of the fields, and display your findings in a visualization.

🔍 Find Discover in your Elasticsearch Serverless project’s UI under Analyze / Discover.


Build dynamic dashboards that visualize your data as charts, graphs, maps, and more.

🔍 Find Dashboards in your Elasticsearch Serverless project’s UI under Analyze / Dashboard.


Visualize your geospatial data on a map.

🔍 Find Maps in your Elasticsearch Serverless project’s UI under Other tools / Maps.


Create rules that trigger notifications when certain conditions are met in your data.

🔍 Find Rules in your Elasticsearch Serverless project’s UI under Project settings > Alerts and insights > Rules.