How do I sign up?
To sign up, all you need is an email address:
- Go to our Elastic Cloud Trial page.
- Enter your email address and password, or sign up with a Google or Microsoft account. Make sure you’ve read through our terms of service.
You are ready to create your first deployment.
Your 14-day free trial includes:
One hosted deployment
A deployment lets you explore Elastic solutions for Search, Observability, and Security. Trial deployments run on the latest version of the Elastic Stack. They includes 8 GB of RAM spread out over two availability zones, and enough storage space to get you started. If you’re looking to evaluate a smaller workload, you can scale down your trial deployment. Each deployment includes Elastic features such as Maps, SIEM, machine learning, advanced security, and much more. You have some sample data sets to play with and tutorials that describe how to add your own data.
One serverless project
Serverless projects package Elastic Stack features by type of solution: Elasticsearch, Observability, and Security. When you create a project, you select the project type applicable to your use case, so only the relevant and impactful applications and features are easily accessible to you.
To learn more about serverless Elastic Cloud, check our serverless documentation.
During the trial period, you are limited to one active hosted deployment and one active serverless project at a time. When you subscribe, you can create additional deployments and projects.
During the free 14 day trial, Elastic provides access to one hosted deployment and one serverless project. If all you want to do is try out Elastic, the trial includes more than enough to get you started. During the trial period, some limitations apply.
Hosted deployments
- You can have one active deployment at a time
- The deployment size is limited to 8GB RAM and approximately 360GB of storage, depending on the specified hardware profile
- Machine learning nodes are available up to 4GB RAM
- Custom Elasticsearch plugins are not enabled
Serverless projects
- You can have one active serverless project at a time.
- Search Power is limited to 100. This setting only exists in Elasticsearch projects.
- Search Boost Window is limited to 7 days. This setting only exists in Elasticsearch projects.
Find more details in our serverless documentation.
How to remove restrictions?
To remove limitations, subscribe to Elastic Cloud. Elastic Cloud subscriptions include the following benefits:
- Increased memory or storage for deployment components, such as Elasticsearch clusters, machine learning nodes, and APM server.
- As many deployments and projects as you need.
- Third availability zone for your deployments.
- Access to additional features, such as cross-cluster search and cross-cluster replication.
You can subscribe to Elastic Cloud at any time during your trial. Billing starts when you subscribe. To maximize the benefits of your trial, subscribe at the end of the free period. To monitor charges, anticipate future costs, and adjust your usage, check your account usage and billing history.
Start by checking out some common approaches for moving data into Elastic Cloud.
If you’re interested in consolidated billing, you’ll want to subscribe from a Marketplace. This skips over your trial period and connect your Marketplace email to your unique Elastic account.
Serverless projects are only available for AWS Marketplace. Support for GCP Marketplace and Azure Marketplace will be added in the near future.
We’re here to help. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to Support.