
Elastic Salesforce connector reference

The Elastic Salesforce connector is a connector for Salesforce data sources.


As of Elastic 9.0, managed connectors on Elastic Cloud Hosted are no longer available. All connectors must be self-managed.

This connector is available as a self-managed connector. This self-managed connector is compatible with Elastic versions 8.10.0+. To use this connector, satisfy all self-managed connector requirements.

This connector is compatible with the following:

  • Salesforce
  • Salesforce Sandbox

To create a new Salesforce connector:

  1. In the Kibana UI, navigate to the Search → Content → Connectors page from the main menu, or use the global search field.
  2. Follow the instructions to create a new Salesforce self-managed connector.

You can use the Elasticsearch Create connector API to create a new self-managed Salesforce self-managed connector.

For example:

 PUT _connector/my-salesforce-connector {
  "index_name": "my-elasticsearch-index",
  "name": "Content synced from Salesforce",
  "service_type": "salesforce"

Refer to the Elasticsearch API documentation for details of all available Connector APIs.

To use this connector as a self-managed connector, use the Connector workflow in the Kibana UI.

For additional operations, see connectors usage.


You need to create an Salesforce connected app with OAuth2.0 enabled to authenticate with Salesforce.

The Salesforce connector authenticates with Salesforce through a connected app. Follow the official Salesforce documentation for Configuring a Connected App for the OAuth 2.0 Client Credentials Flow.

When creating the connected app, in the section titled API (Enable OAuth Settings) ensure the following settings are enabled:

  • Enable OAuth Settings

  • Enable for Device Flow

    • Callback URL should be the Salesforce dummy callback URL, https://test.salesforce.com/services/oauth2/success
  • Require Secret for Web Server Flow

  • Require Secret for Refresh Token Flow

  • Enable Client Credentials Flow

All other options should be disabled. Finally, in the section Selected OAuth Scopes, include the following OAuth scopes:

  • Manage user data via APIs (api)
  • Perform requests at any time (refresh_token, offline_access)

By default, the Salesforce connector requires global administrator permissions to access Salesforce data. Expand the section below to learn how to create a custom Salesforce user with minimal permissions.

Self-managed connectors are run on your own infrastructure.

You can deploy the Salesforce connector as a self-managed connector using Docker. Follow these instructions.

Refer to DOCKER.md in the elastic/connectors repo for more details.

Find all available Docker images in the official registry.


We also have a quickstart self-managed option using Docker Compose, so you can spin up all required services at once: Elasticsearch, Kibana, and the connectors service. Refer to this README in the elastic/connectors repo for more information.

The following settings are required to set up this connector:

The domain for your Salesforce account. This is the subdomain that appears in your Salesforce URL. For example, if your Salesforce URL is foo.my.salesforce.com, then your domain would be foo. If you are using Salesforce Sandbox, your URL will contain an extra subdomain and will look similar to foo.sandbox.my.salesforce.com. In this case, your domain would be foo.sandbox.
The Client ID generated by your connected app. The Salesforce documentation will sometimes also call this a Consumer Key
The Client Secret generated by your connected app. The Salesforce documentation will sometimes also call this a Consumer Secret.

Toggle to enable document level security (DLS). Optional, disabled by default. Refer to the DLS section for more information, including how to set various Salesforce permission types.

When enabled:

  • Full syncs will fetch access control lists for each document and store them in the _allow_access_control field.
  • Access control syncs will fetch users' access control lists and store them in a separate index.

The Client ID and Client Secret are not automatically shown to you after you create a connected app. You can find them by taking the following steps:

  • Navigate to Setup
  • Go to Platform Tools > Apps > App Manager
  • Click on the triangle next to your app and select View
  • After the page loads, click on Manage Consumer Details

Your Client ID and Client Secret should now be visible at the top of the page.

Document level security (DLS) enables you to restrict access to documents based on a user'­s permissions. This feature is available by default for the Salesforce connector and supports both standard and custom objects.

Salesforce allows users to set permissions in the following ways:

  • Profiles
  • Permission sets
  • Permission set Groups

For guidance, refer to these video tutorials about setting Salesforce permissions.

To ingest any standard or custom objects, users must ensure that at least Read permission is granted to that object. This can be granted using any of the following methods for setting permissions.

Refer to the Salesforce documentation for setting permissions via Profiles.

Refer to the Salesforce documentation for setting permissions via Permissions Sets.

Refer to the Salesforce documentation for setting permissions via Permissions Set Groups.

Once the permissions are set, assign the Profiles, Permission Set or Permission Set Groups to the user. Follow these steps in Salesforce:

  1. Navigate to Administration under the Users section.
  2. Select Users and choose the user to set the permissions to.
  3. Set the Profile, Permission Set or Permission Set Groups created in the earlier steps.

Basic sync rules are identical for all connectors and are available by default.

For more information read sync rules.


A full sync is required for advanced sync rules to take effect.

The following section describes advanced sync rules for this connector. Advanced sync rules enable filtering of data in Salesforce before indexing into Elasticsearch.

They take the following parameters:

  1. query : Salesforce query to filter the documents.
  2. language : Salesforce query language. Allowed values are SOQL and SOSL.

Fetch documents based on the query and language specified

Example: Fetch documents using SOQL query

    "query": "SELECT Id, Name FROM Account",
    "language": "SOQL"

Example: Fetch documents using SOSL query.

    "query": "FIND {Salesforce} IN ALL FIELDS",
    "language": "SOSL"

Fetch standard and custom objects using SOQL and SOSL queries

Example: Fetch documents for standard objects via SOQL and SOSL query.

    "query": "SELECT Account_Id, Address, Contact_Number FROM Account",
    "language": "SOQL"
    "query": "FIND {Alex Wilber} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Contact(LastModifiedDate, Name, Address)",
    "language": "SOSL"

Example: Fetch documents for custom objects via SOQL and SOSL query.

    "query": "SELECT Connector_Name, Version FROM Connector__c",
    "language": "SOQL"
    "query": "FIND {Salesforce} IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Connectors__c(Id, Connector_Name, Connector_Version)",
    "language": "SOSL"

Fetch documents with standard and custom fields

Example: Fetch documents with all standard and custom fields for Account object.

    "query": "SELECT FIELDS(ALL) FROM Account",
    "language": "SOQL"

Example: Fetch documents with all custom fields for Connector object.

    "query": "SELECT FIELDS(CUSTOM) FROM Connector__c",
    "language": "SOQL"

Example: Fetch documents with all standard fields for Account object.

    "query": "SELECT FIELDS(STANDARD) FROM Account",
    "language": "SOQL"

The connector syncs the following Salesforce objects:

  • Accounts
  • Campaigns
  • Cases
  • Contacts
  • Content Documents (files uploaded to Salesforce)
  • Leads
  • Opportunities

The connector will not ingest any objects that it does not have permissions to query.

  • Content from files bigger than 10 MB won’t be extracted by default. Use the self-managed local extraction service to handle larger binary files.
  • Permissions are not synced by default. You must enable document level security. Otherwise, all documents indexed to an Elastic deployment will be visible to all users with access to that Elastic Deployment.

Full syncs are supported by default for all connectors.

This connector also supports incremental syncs.

The connector will retrieve Content Documents from your Salesforce source if they meet the following criteria:

  • Are attached to one or more objects that are synced
  • Are of a file type that can be extracted

This means that the connector will not ingest any Content Documents you have that are not attached to a supported Salesforce object. See documents and syncs for a list of supported object types.

If a single Content Document is attached to multiple supported objects, only one Elastic document will be created for it. This document will retain links to every object that it was connected to in the related_ids field.

See content extraction for more specifics on content extraction.

  • DLS feature is "type-level" not "document-level"

    Salesforce DLS, added in 8.13.0, does not accomodate specific access controls to specific Salesforce Objects. Instead, if a given user/group can have access to any Objects of a given type (Case, Lead, Opportunity, etc), that user/group will appear in the \_allow_access_control list for all of the Objects of that type. See https://github.com/elastic/connectors/issues/3028 for more details.

    Refer to connector known issues for a list of known issues for all connectors.

See connectors security.

This connector is built with the Elastic connector framework.

View the source code for this connector (branch main, compatible with Elastic 9.0).