
Cilium Tetragon

Version 0.2.0 beta:[] (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s) 8.13.0 or higher
9.0.0 or higher
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The Cilium Tetragon integration enables you to monitor and analyze events from Tetragon, a Kubernetes-aware security observability and runtime enforcement tool supported by the CNCF. This integration provides insight into Tetragon's security event logs, allowing you to visualize data in Kibana, set up alerts, and quickly respond to security events within your Kubernetes environment.

The Cilium Tetragon integration collects security event logs from Tetragon into a logs datastream in Elasticsearch.

To use the Cilium Tetragon integration, ensure the following:

  • Elastic Stack: Elasticsearch and Kibana are required for data storage, search, and visualization. You can use the hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud (recommended) or deploy the Elastic Stack on your own hardware.
  • Kubernetes Environment: Tetragon must be running in a Kubernetes cluster.

Before collecting data from Tetragon, install the required assets for this integration in Kibana:

  1. In Kibana, navigate to Settings > Install Cilium Tetragon Integration.
  2. Alternatively, go to ⊕ Add Cilium Tetragon > Add Integration Only (skip Elastic Agent installation, which is unsupported for this integration).

Tetragon needs to be configured to export its event data as JSON logs. You’ll then use Filebeat to send these logs to Elasticsearch. The simplest approach is to use the Tetragon Helm chart along with a Helm values file.

Refer to the Tetragon Documentation for general Helm installation guidance.

First, create a ConfigMap with Filebeat configuration in the kube-system namespace. Update the Elasticsearch username and password in the provided configuration file.

Save the following as filebeat-cfgmap.yaml:

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: filebeat-configmap
  namespace: kube-system
  filebeat.yml: |
      - type: filestream
        id: tetragon-log
        enabled: true
          - /var/run/cilium/tetragon/*.log
    path.data: /usr/share/filebeat/data
      - timestamp:
          field: "time"
            - '2006-01-02T15:04:05Z'
            - '2006-01-02T15:04:05.999Z'
            - '2006-01-02T15:04:05.999-07:00'
            - '2019-06-22T16:33:51Z'
            - '2019-11-18T04:59:51.123Z'
            - '2020-08-03T07:10:20.123456+02:00'
    setup.template.name: logs
    setup.template.pattern: "logs-cilium_tetragon.*"
      hosts: ["https://<elasticsearch host>"]
      username: "<elasticsearch username>"
      password: "<elasticsearch password>"
      index: logs-cilium_tetragon.log-default

To apply this configuration, run:

kubectl create -f filebeat-cfgmap.yaml

Next, install Tetragon with Helm, using an override file to configure a Filebeat sidecar to export logs. Save the following configuration as filebeat-helm-values.yaml:

    runAsUser: 0
    runAsGroup: 0
    enabledCommand: false
    enabledArgs: false
      override: "docker.elastic.co/beats/filebeat:8.15.3"
      - name: filebeat-config
        mountPath: /usr/share/filebeat/filebeat.yml
        subPath: filebeat.yml
      - name: filebeat-data
        mountPath: /usr/share/filebeat/data
  - name: filebeat-data
      path: /var/run/cilium/tetragon/filebeat
      type: DirectoryOrCreate
  - name: filebeat-config
      name: filebeat-configmap
        - key: filebeat.yml
          path: filebeat.yml

Then, install Tetragon with:

helm repo add cilium https://helm.cilium.io
helm repo update
helm install tetragon -f filebeat-helm-values.yaml ${EXTRA_HELM_FLAGS[@]} cilium/tetragon -n kube-system

If expected events are not appearing in Elasticsearch, ensure that Tetragon is configured to export the right events:

  • Check the tetragon.exportAllowList and tetragon.exportDenyList Helm values. These can be adjusted by adding them to filebeat-helm-values.yaml to control which events are included in the JSON export.

For additional guidance on installing or configuring Tetragon, visit the Tetragon documentation.

The log datastream captures event logs from Tetragon. These events are indexed as logs-cilium_tetragon.log-default in Elasticsearch.