
Cisco Secure Email Gateway

Version 1.26.0 (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s) 8.11.0 or higher
9.0.0 or higher
Supported Serverless project types
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The Cisco Email Security Appliance integration collects and parses data from Cisco Secure Email Gateway using TCP/UDP and logfile.

This module has been tested against Cisco Secure Email Gateway server version 14.0.0 Virtual Gateway C100V with the below given logs pattern.

  • Sign-in to Cisco Secure Email Gateway Portal and follow the below steps for configurations:
    1. In Cisco Secure Email Gateway Administrator Portal, go to System Administration > Log Subscriptions.
    2. Click Add Log Subscription.
    3. Enter all the Required Details.
    4. Set Log Name as below for the respective category:
      • AMP Engine Logs -> amp
      • Anti-Spam Logs -> antispam
      • Antivirus Logs -> antivirus
      • Authentication Logs -> authentication
      • Bounce Logs -> bounces
      • Consolidated Event Logs -> consolidated_event
      • Content Scanner Logs -> content_scanner
      • HTTP Logs -> gui_logs
      • IronPort Text Mail Logs -> error_logs
      • Text Mail Logs -> mail_logs
      • Status Logs -> status
      • System Logs -> system
    5. Select Log Level as Information.
    6. Select Retrieval Method.
    7. Click Submit and commit the Changes.
  • Retrieval Method Supported:
    • FTP Push to Remote Server for the below categories: AMP Engine Logs, Anti-Spam Logs, Antivirus Logs, Authentication Logs, Bounce Logs, Consolidated Event Logs, Content Scanner Logs, HTTP Logs, IronPort Text Mail Logs, Text Mail Logs, Status Logs and System Logs.
    • Syslog Push for the below categories: AMP Engine Logs, Anti-Spam Logs, Antivirus Logs, Consolidated Event Logs, Content Scanner Logs, HTTP Logs, IronPort Text Mail Logs, Text Mail Logs, Status Logs and System Logs.

Below are the samples logs of respective category:

File reputation query initiating. File Name = 'mod-6.exe', MID = 5, File Size = 1673216 bytes, File Type = application/x-dosexec

Response received for file reputation query from Cloud. FileName = 'mod-6.exe', MID = 5, Disposition = MALICIOUS, Malware = W32.061DEF69B5-100.SBX.TG,Reputation Score = 73, sha256 =061def69b5c100e9979610fa5675bd19258b19a7ff538b5c2d230b467c312f19, upload_action = 2

File Analysis complete. SHA256: 16454aff5082c2e9df43f3e3b9cdba3c6ae1766416e548c30a971786db570bfc, Submit Timestamp: 1475825466, Update Timestamp: 1475825953, Disposition: 3 Score: 100, run_id: 194926004 Details: Analysis is completed for the File SHA256[16454aff5082c2e9df43f3e3b9cdba3c6ae1766416e548c30a971786db570bfc] Spyname:[W32.16454AFF50-100.SBX.TG]

File not uploaded for analysis. MID = 0 File SHA256[a5f28f1fed7c2fe88bcdf403710098977fa12c32d13bfbd78bbe27e95b245f82] file mime[text/plain] Reason: No active/dynamic contents exists

File analysis upload skipped. SHA256: b5c7e26491983baa713c9a2910ee868efd891661c6a0553b28f17b8fdc8cc3ef,Timestamp[1454782976] details[File SHA256[b5c7e26491983baa713c9a2910ee868efd891661c6a0553b28f17b8fdc8cc3ef] file mime[application/pdf], upload priority[Low] not uploaded, re-tries[3], backoff[986] discarding ...]

SHA256: 69e17e213732da0d0cbc48ae7030a4a18e0c1289f510e8b139945787f67692a5,Timestamp[1454959409] details[Server Response HTTP code:[502]]

Retrospective verdict received. SHA256: 16454aff5082c2e9df43f3e3b9cdba3c6ae1766416e548c30a971786db570bfc, Timestamp: 1475832815.7, Verdict: MALICIOUS, Reputation Score: 0, Spyname: W32.16454AFF50-100.SBX.
case antispam - engine (72324) : case-daemon: Initializing Child

case antispam - engine (15703) : case-daemon: all children killed, exitting

case antispam - engine (15703) : case-daemon: server killed by SIGHUP, shutting down
sophos  antivirus - MID 69391938 - Result 'CLEAN' ()

sophos  antivirus - MID 68431780 0 - Error - 'Encrypted' '0x8004021'

sophos  antivirus - MID 66842418 0 - Virus 'CXmail/Phish-O' 'body.scan/Payment.html' 1 0

sophos  antivirus - MID 66784457 0 - Virus 'CXmail/MalPE-HB' 'body.scan/242426.cab/rockro9046.exe' 1 0

sophos  antivirus - MID 68016096 0 - Virus 'CXmail/MalPE-FL' 'body.scan/redactedFileName.rar/redactedFileName.exe' 1 0

sophos  antivirus - MID 68016096 0 - Virus 'CXmail/MalPE-AC' 'body.scan/redactedFileName.rar' 1 0

sophos  antivirus - MID 66301278 0 - Virus 'Mal/DrodRar-AIC' 'body.scan/anotherFileName.arj' 1 0

sophos  antivirus - MID 67753636 0 - Virus 'Troj/MSIL-TAR' 'body.scan/otherFileName.exe' 1 0

sophos  antivirus - MID 66710307 7 - Limit - 'Max Files Exceeded'

sophos  antivirus - MID 66708787 - timed out on message
The user admin successfully logged on from with privilege admin using an HTTPS connection.

CLI: User admin logged out from because of inactivity timeout

GUI: User admin logged out from session d0PfzQa02E8NwMiah2jx because of inactivity timeout

logout: user:admin session:wKV0AK29Ggdhztfl4Sal

User admin logged out of SSH session

An authentication attempt by the user admin from failed using an HTTPS connection.

User admin was authenticated successfully.

User joe failed authentication.
Bounced: DCID 2 MID 15232 From:<example.com> To:<example.com> RID 0 - 5.1.0 - Unknown address error ('550', ['5.1.1 The email account that you tried to reach does not exist. Please try', "5.1.1 double-checking the recipient's email address for typos or", '5.1.1 unnecessary spaces. Learn more at', '5.1.1  xxxxx ay44si12078156oib.94 - gsmtp'])

Bounced: 123:123 From:<example.com> To:<example.com>
CEF:0|Cisco|C100V Email Security Virtual Appliance|14.0.0-657|ESA_CONSOLIDATED_LOG_EVENT|Consolidated Log Event|5|deviceExternalId=42127C7DDEE76852677B-F80CE8074CD3 ESAMID=1053 ESAICID=134 ESAAMPVerdict=UNKNOWN ESAASVerdict=NEGATIVE ESAAVVerdict=NEGATIVE  ESACFVerdict=MATCH endTime=Thu Mar 18 08:04:46 2021 ESADLPVerdict=NOT_EVALUATED dvc= ESAAttachmentDetails={'test.txt': {'AMP': {'Verdict': 'FILE UNKNOWN', 'fileHash': '7f843d263304fb0516d6210e9de4fa7f01f2f623074aab6e3ee7051f7b785cfa'}, 'BodyScanner': {'fsize': 10059}}} ESAFriendlyFrom=example.com ESAGMVerdict=NEGATIVE startTime=Thu Mar 18 08:04:29 2021 deviceInboundInterface=Incomingmail deviceDirection=0 ESAMailFlowPolicy=ACCEPT suser=example.com cs1Label=MailPolicy cs1=DEFAULT ESAMFVerdict=NOT_EVALUATED act=QUARANTINED ESAFinalActionDetails=To POLICY cs4Label=ExternalMsgID cs4='<example.com>' ESAMsgSize=11873 ESAOFVerdict=POSITIVE duser=example.com ESAHeloIP= cfp1Label=SBRSScore cfp1=None ESASDRDomainAge=27 years 2 months 15 days cs3Label=SDRThreatCategory cs3=N/A cs6Label=SDRRepScore cs6=Weak ESASPFVerdict={'mailfrom': {'result': 'None', 'sender': 'example.com'}, 'helo': {'result': 'None', 'sender': 'postmaster'}, 'pra': {'result': 'None', 'sender': 'example.com'}} sourceHostName=unknown ESASenderGroup=UNKNOWNLIST sourceAddress= msg='Testing'
PF: Starting multi-threaded Perceptive server (pid=17729)

PF: Restarting content_scanner service.
Quarantine: Failed to connect to quarantine

Internal SMTP giving up on message to example.com with subject 'Warning <System> example.com: Your "IronPort Email Encryption" key will expire in under 60...': Unrecoverable error.

Error while sending alert: Unable to send System/Warning alert to example.com with subject "Warning <System> example.com: Your "IronPort Email Encryption" key will expire in under 60...".

Internal SMTP system attempting to send a message to example.com with subject 'Critical <System> example.com: Log Error: Subscription error_logs: Failed to connect to 10....' (attempt #0).
req: user:admin id:2v10z5fEuDsvhdbVE6Ck 200 GET xxx.png HTTP/1.1 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36

req: user:- id:2v10z5fEuDsvhdbVE6Ck 200 GET xxx.png HTTP/1.1 -

Action: User admin logged out from session 5GPz0QDlfxUYQ0Y3PgYN beacuse of inactivity timeout

Session fRK3TSjzhHhoI9CV5Kvt user:admin expired

Session fRK3TSjzhHhoI9CV5Kvt from not found Destination:/mail_policies/email_security_manager/incoming_mail_policies

SourceIP: Destination:/login Username:admin Privilege:admin session:5GPz0QDlfxUYQ0Y3PgYN Action: The HTTPS session has been established successfully.

PERIODIC REPORTS: No root directory for Periodic Reports Archive. Probably, running first time...

Could not fetch current Virus Threat Level: OS error opening URL 'http://example.com/xxxxx/xxxxx.txt'

SSL error with client - (336151574, 'error:14094416:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert certificate unknown')

Error in https connection from host port 000 - [Errno 54] Connection reset by peer

Passphrase has been changed for user admin
MID 111 DLP violation. Severity: LOW (Risk Factor: 15). DLP policy match: 'PCI-DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard)'.

graymail [CONFIG] Starting graymail configuration handler

URL_REP_CLIENT: Configuration changed. Triggering restart of URL Reputation client service.

A System/Warning alert was sent to example.com with subject "Warning <System> cisco.esa: URL category definitions have changed.; Added new category '...".

New SMTP ICID 5 interface Management ( address reverse dns host example.com verified yes

Start MID 6 ICID 5

MID 6 ICID 5 From: <example.com>

MID 6 ICID 5 RID 0 To: <example.com>

MID 6 ready 100 bytes from <example.com>

ICID 5 close

New SMTP DCID 8 interface address

Delivery start DCID 8 MID 6 to RID [0]

Message done DCID 8 MID 6 to RID [0]

DCID 8 close

URL category definitions have changed. Please check and update your filters to use the new definitions

Error while sending alert: Unable to send System/Warning alert to example.com with subject "Warning <System> example.com: Your "IronPort Email Encryption" key will expire in under 60...".

Your "IronPort Anti-Spam" key will expire in under 60 day(s). Please contact your authorized Cisco sales representative.

Internal SMTP system successfully sent a message to example.com with subject 'Warning <System> cisco.esa: Your "Sophos Anti-Virus" key will expire in under 60 day(s)....'.

Internal SMTP giving up on message to example.com with subject 'Warning <System> example.com: Your "IronPort Email Encryption" key will expire in under 60...': Unrecoverable error.

Internal SMTP Error: Failed to send message to host for recipient example: Unexpected SMTP response "553", expecting code starting with "2", response was ['#5.1.8 Domain of sender address <example.xxx> does not exist'].

MID 68119155 RID [0] Response '2.0.0 OK  1687954632 redactedstring - gsmtp'

MID 68119155 Subject "redacted subject"

MID 68119155 queued for delivery

Message finished MID 68119155 done

MID 68119155 interim verdict using engine: CASE bulk

MID 68119155 interim AV verdict using Sophos CLEAN

MID 68119155 using engine: GRAYMAIL positive

MID 68119155 Outbreak Filters: verdict negative

MID 68119155 using engine: SPF Verdict Cache using cached verdict

MID 68119155 Message-ID '<redacted@redactedMailFrom.com>'

MID 68119155 DMARC: Verification passed

MID 68119155 SPF: mailfrom identity no-reply@redactedMailFrom.com Pass (v=spf1)

MID 68119155 matched all recipients for per-recipient policy DEFAULT in the inbound table

MID 68119155 SDR: Tracker Header : redactedTrackerHeader

MID 68119155 SDR: Domains for which SDR is requested: reverse DNS host: redacted.redactedMailFrom.com, helo: redacted.redactedMailFrom.com, env-from: redactedMailFrom.com, header-from: redactedMailFrom.com, reply-to: redactedMailFrom.com

MID 68119155 SDR: Consolidated Sender Threat Level: Neutral, Threat Category: N/A, Suspected Domain(s) : N/A (other reasons for verdict). Sender Maturity: 30 days (or greater) for domain: redacted.redactedMailFrom.com

MID 68119155 DMARC: Message from domain redactedMailFrom.com, DMARC pass (SPF aligned True, DKIM aligned True)

MID 68119155 DKIM: pass signature verified (d=redactedMailFrom.com s=srsa2048 i=@redactedMailFrom.com)

MID 68119155 AMP file reputation verdict : SKIPPED (no attachment in message)
Status: CPULd 0 DskIO 0 RAMUtil 1 QKUsd 0 QKFre 8388608 CrtMID 0 CrtICID 0 CrtDCID 1 InjMsg 0 InjRcp 0 GenBncRcp 0 RejRcp 0 DrpMsg 0 SftBncEvnt 0 CmpRcp 0 HrdBncRcp 0 DnsHrdBnc 0 5XXHrdBnc 0 FltrHrdBnc 0 ExpHrdBnc 0 OtrHrdBnc 0 DlvRcp 0 DelRcp 0 GlbUnsbHt 0 ActvRcp 0 UnatmptRcp 0 AtmptRcp 0 CrtCncIn 0 CrtCncOut 0 DnsReq 0 NetReq 0 CchHit 0 CchMis 0 CchEct 0 CchExp 0 CPUTTm 91 CPUETm 32182 MaxIO 487 RAMUsd 125195690 MMLen 0 DstInMem 3 ResCon 0 WorkQ 0 QuarMsgs 0 QuarQKUsd 0 LogUsd 5 SophLd 99 BMLd 0 CASELd 0 TotalLd 47 LogAvail 148G EuQ 0 EuqRls 0 CmrkLd 0 McafLd 0 SwIn 338 SwOut 681 SwPgIn 2123 SwPgOut 7156 SwapUsage 0% RptLd 0 QtnLd 0 EncrQ 0 InjBytes 0
PID 1237: User admin commit changes: Added a second CLI log for examples

lame DNS referral: qname:example.net ns_name:example.net zone:example.net ref_zone:example.net referrals:[(524666183436709L, 0, 'insecure', 'example.net'), (524666183436709L, 0, 'insecure', 'example.net')]

Failed to bootstrap the DNS resolver. Unable to contact root servers.

DNS query network error '[Errno 51] Network is unreachable' to 'dummy_ip' looking up ' '

Received an invalid DNS Response: '' to IP dummy_ip looking up example.de

This is the log dataset.