
CyberArk EPM

Version 0.2.0 beta:[] (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s) 8.16.0 or higher
9.0.0 or higher
Supported Serverless project types
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CyberArk Endpoint Privilege Manager (EPM) enforces least privilege and enables organizations to block and contain attacks on endpoint computers, reducing the risk of information being stolen or encrypted and held for ransom. A combination of privilege security, application control and credential theft prevention reduces the risk of malware infection.

The CyberArk EPM integration collects events (raw and aggregated), policy audit events (raw and aggregated), and admin audit logs using the REST API.

This module has been tested against the CyberArk EPM version

This integration collects the following logs:

  • Raw Event - This method enables users to retrieve raw events from EPM.
  • Policy Audit Raw Event - This method enables users to retrieve policy audit raw events from EPM.
  • Aggregated Event - This method enables users to retrieve aggregated events from EPM.
  • Policy Audit Aggregated Event - This method enables users to retrieve aggregated policy audit events from EPM.
  • Admin Audit - This method enables users to retrieve the full list of actions carried out by EPM administrators in a specific set.

Elastic Agent must be installed. For more details and installation instructions, please refer to the Elastic Agent Installation Guide.

There are several options for installing and managing Elastic Agent:

With this approach, you install Elastic Agent and use Fleet in Kibana to define, configure, and manage your agents in a central location. We recommend using Fleet management because it makes the management and upgrade of your agents considerably easier.

With this approach, you install Elastic Agent and manually configure the agent locally on the system where it’s installed. You are responsible for managing and upgrading the agents. This approach is reserved for advanced users only.

You can run Elastic Agent inside a container, either with Fleet Server or standalone. Docker images for all versions of Elastic Agent are available from the Elastic Docker registry, and we provide deployment manifests for running on Kubernetes.

Please note, there are minimum requirements for running Elastic Agent. For more information, refer to the Elastic Agent Minimum Requirements.

  • Navigate to Administration > Account Management and create a user. While creating the user, check the Allow to manage Sets option and provide ViewOnlySetAdmin for all the required sets.
  • Log in with the newly created user and navigate to Administration > Account Configuration. Update the Timeout for inactive session parameter, which is a prerequisite for creating an integration in Elastic.
    • Note: It is recommended to set a high value for the Timeout for inactive session parameter to minimize multiple authentication calls.
  1. In Kibana navigate to Management > Integrations.
  2. In "Search for integrations" top bar, search for CyberArk EPM.
  3. Select the "CyberArk EPM" integration from the search results.
  4. Select "Add CyberArk EPM" to add the integration.
  5. Add all the required integration configuration parameters, including the URL, Username, Password, API Version, Session Timeout, Interval, and Initial Interval, to enable data collection.
  6. Select "Save and continue" to save the integration.


  • The default URL is https://login.epm.cyberark.com, but this may vary depending on your region. Please refer to the Documentation to find the correct URL for your region.
  • If you encounter an error indicating that the usage limit has been reached, consider lowering the "Resource Rate Limit" parameter in the advanced section. For more details, please refer to the documentation.

This is the raw_event dataset.

This is the policyaudit_raw_event dataset.

This is the aggregated_event dataset.

This is the policyaudit_aggregated_event dataset.

This is the admin_audit dataset.