
etcd Integration

Version 1.4.1 (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s) 8.13.0 or higher
9.0.0 or higher
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This integration is used to collect metrics from etcd v2 and v3 instances.

It periodically fetches metrics from etcd metrics APIs.

For etcd v2, metrics are collected through the etcd v2 APIs, whereas for v3, they are fetched from the /metrics endpoint.

When using v3, datasets are bundled within metrics data stream, while for v2, available datasets include leader, self, and store.

etcd API endpoints:

  • /v2/stats/leader: This endpoint provides metrics related to the current leadership status. Used by leader data stream.
  • /v2/stats/self: Metrics exposed by this endpoint focus on the current node's status and performance. Used by self data stream.
  • /v2/stats/store: This endpoint offers metrics related to the data storage layer, including data size, read/write operations, and storage efficiency. Used by store data stream.
  • /metrics (v3 API): Unlike the more specific endpoints, this one provides a comprehensive set of metrics across various aspects of the system. Used by metrics data stream.

The etcd v2 APIs are not enabled by default. However, you can enable etcd v2 APIs when using etcd v3 and above by utilizing the --enable-v2 flag, provided it is supported.

The etcd package was tested with etcd 3.5.x.

You need Elasticsearch for storing and searching your data and Kibana for visualizing and managing it. You can use our hosted Elasticsearch Service on Elastic Cloud, which is recommended, or self-manage the Elastic Stack on your own hardware.

In order to ingest data from etcd, you must know the instance host.

Host Configuration Format: http[s]://host:port

Example Host Configuration: http://localhost:2379

This is the metrics dataset of the etcd package, in charge of retrieving generic metrics from a etcd v3 instance.

ECS Field Reference

Please refer to the following document for detailed information on ECS fields.

This is the leader dataset of the etcd package, in charge of retrieving generic metrics about leader from a etcd v2 instance.

ECS Field Reference

Please refer to the following document for detailed information on ECS fields.

This is the self dataset of the etcd package, in charge of retrieving generic metrics about self from a etcd v2 instance.

ECS Field Reference

Please refer to the following document for detailed information on ECS fields.

This is the store dataset of the etcd package, in charge of retrieving generic metrics about store from a etcd v2 instance.

ECS Field Reference

Please refer to the following document for detailed information on ECS fields.