
Threat Map

Version 0.2.1 beta:[] (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s) 8.14.0 or higher
9.0.0 or higher
Supported Serverless project types
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The Threat Map dashboard visualizes network traffic flow between regions using directed paths and animations. It includes arrows indicating direction and pulsing arcs at the destination.


The animations may increase browser CPU usage.

To use the Threat Map dashboard, ensure the following:

  • Timestamp Field: Documents must contain a @timestamp field for time-range filtering.
  • GeoIP Processor: Apply a GeoIP processor to the IP field. The resulting document should contain source.geo and destination.geo fields.
    • Here is an example of an ingest pipeline that adds the geographical information to the geo field based on the ip field.

      PUT _ingest/pipeline/geoip
        "description" : "Add ip geolocation info",
        "processors" : [
            "geoip" : {
              "field" : "source.ip",
              "target_field" : "source.geo"
            "geoip" : {
              "field" : "destination.ip",
              "target_field" : "destination.geo"
  • Data View: Use documents accessible via the logs-* data view.

Data is retrieved from Elasticsearch using the _all,*:_all index search endpoint. Ensure the following fields exist in each document:

Field Description Required/Optional Default Value
source.geo.location.lat Latitude of the source Required
source.geo.location.lon Longitude of the source Required
source.geo.country_name Country name of the source Required
source.ip IP address of the source Required
destination.geo.location.lat Latitude of the destination Required
destination.geo.location.lon Longitude of the destination Required
destination.geo.country_name Country name of the destination Required
destination.ip IP address of the destination Required
color Arc color Optional "#54B399"
animate Determines if the arc is animated Optional true
weight Arc line thickness Optional 1
source_label Label at the source location Optional
destination_label Label at the destination location Optional
pulse_at_source If true, the pulse begins at the source instead of the destination Optional false

These fields can be added or modified using Custom pipeline. Read more.

The Threat Map visualization can be added to other dashboards in two ways:

  • Click the Duplicate button in the top-right corner of the dashboard.
  • A clone of the dashboard will be created for your customization.
  • Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the visualization and select Copy to Dashboard.
  • Choose one of the following options:
    • Existing Dashboard: Select an existing dashboard from the dropdown, then click Copy and Go to Dashboard.
    • New Dashboard: Create a new dashboard with the visualization.

Copy to dashboard

The Threat Map dashboard includes the following visualizations:

  • Framework: Utilizes Vega within Kibana.
  • Fields Used: source.geo.location, destination.geo.location, color, animate, weight, source_label, and destination_label.
  • Customization:
    • Click the three dots in the top-right corner and select Maximize to enlarge.
    • The map adapts to Kibana's dark/light mode automatically. Read more.

Includes four tables for analyzing traffic flow:

  • Source/Destination Countries: Shows the top 5 countries with the highest traffic flow.
  • Source/Destination IPs: Shows the top 5 IPs with the highest traffic flow.

Data in panels can be sorted by clicking on the Count column header.

  • Use KQL (Kibana Query Language) in the query bar at the top of the dashboard.
  • Adjust the time range using the selector in the top-right corner (default: last 30 minutes).
  • Maximum records displayed: 10,000.
  • Click the three dots in the top-right corner of the map and select Edit Visualization.
  • Apply a filter using the query bar.
  • Click Save and Return to apply changes.

Visualization-Specific Filters

The following options are available for customization:

Option Description Default Value
emsTileServiceId Sets the EMS-layer for the map. "undefined"
Latitude Starting latitude of the map 10
Longitude Starting longitude of the map 0
Zoom Starting zoom level of the map 1.3
scrollWheelZoom If true, disables mouse wheel zoom to avoid accidental zooming falses

To customize these options, click on Edit visualization from the dropdown in the top right corner of the visualization. A Vega editor will open, where you can modify the following configurations.

For additional customization options, see the Vega Kibana Guide.

Customization options