
Alienvault OTX Integration

Version 1.28.0 (View all)
Compatible Kibana version(s) 8.13.0 or higher
9.0.0 or higher
Supported Serverless project types
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This integration is for Alienvault OTX. It retrieves indicators for all pulses subscribed to a specific user account on OTX

To use this package, it is required to have an account on Alienvault OTX. Once an account has been created, and at least 1 pulse has been subscribed to, the API key can be retrieved from your user profile dashboard. In the top right corner there should be an OTX KEY.

Retrieves all the related indicators over time, related to your pulse subscriptions on OTX.

Retrieves all indicators from subscribed pulses on OTX from API /api/v1/pulses/subscribed using Filebeat's CEL input. The following subscriptions are included by this API:

  • All pulses by users you are subscribed to
  • All pulses you are directly subscribed to
  • All pulses you have created yourself
  • All pulses from groups you are a member of

Pulses Subscribed datastream also supports IoC expiration by using latest transform. Below are the steps on how it is handled:

  1. All the indicators are retrieved into source indices named logs-ti_otx.pulses_subscribed-* using CEL input and processed via ingest pipelines. These indicators have a property named expiration which is either a null value or a timestamp such as "2023-09-07T00:00:00". When the value is null or if the timestamp value is less than current timestamp now(), the indicator is not expired, and hence is still active.
  2. A latest transform is continuosly run on source indices. The purpose of this transform is to:
    • Move only the active indicators from source indices into destination indices named logs-ti_otx_latest.pulses_subscribed-<NUMBER> where NUMBER indicates index version.
    • Delete expired indicators based on the expiration timestamp value.
  3. All the active indicators can be retrieved using destination index alias logs-ti_otx_latest.pulses_subscribed which points to the latest destination index version.
  • Note: Do not use the source indices logs-ti_otx.pulses_subscribed-*, because when the indicators expire, the source indices will contain duplicates. Always use the destination index alias: logs-ti_otx_latest.pulses_subscribed to query all active indicators.