
Logging settings

You do not need to configure any additional settings to use the logging features in Kibana. Logging is enabled by default and will log at info level using the pattern layout, which outputs logs to stdout.

However, if you are planning to ingest your logs using Elasticsearch or another tool, we recommend using the json layout, which produces logs in ECS format. In general, pattern layout is recommended when raw logs will be read by a human, and json layout when logs will be read by a machine.


The logging configuration is validated against the predefined schema and if there are any issues with it, Kibana will fail to start with the detailed error message.

Kibana relies on three high-level entities to set the logging service: appenders, loggers, and root. These can be configured in the logging namespace in kibana.yml.

  • Appenders define where log messages are displayed (stdout or console) and their layout (pattern or json). They also allow you to specify if you want the logs stored and, if so, where (file on the disk).
  • Loggers define what logging settings, such as the level of verbosity and the appenders, to apply to a particular context. Each log entry context provides information about the service or plugin that emits it and any of its sub-parts, for example, metrics.ops or elasticsearch.query.
  • Root is a logger that applies to all the log entries in Kibana.

The following table serves as a quick reference for different logging configuration keys. Note that these are not stand-alone settings and may require additional logging configuration. See the Configure Logging in Kibana guide and complete examples for common configuration use cases.

logging.appenders[].<appender-name> Unique appender identifier.
logging.appenders[].console: Appender to use for logging records to stdout. By default, uses the [%date][%level][%logger] %message pattern* layout. To use a *json, set the layout type to json.
logging.appenders[].file: Allows you to specify a fileName to write log records to disk. To write all log records to file, add the file appender to root.appenders. If configured, you also need to specify logging.appenders.file.pathName.
logging.appenders[].rolling-file: Similar to Log4j’s RollingFileAppender, this appender will log to a file and rotate if following a rolling strategy when the configured policy triggers. There are currently two policies supported: size-limit and time-interval.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.type The appender type determines where the log messages are sent. Options are console, file, rewrite, rolling-file. Required.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.fileName Determines the filepath where the log messages are written to for file and rolling-file appender types. Required for appenders that write to file.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.policy.type Specify the triggering policy for when a rollover should occur for the rolling-file type appender.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.policy.interval Specify the time interval for rotating a log file for a time-interval type rolling-file appender. Default 24h
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.policy.size Specify the size limit at which the policy should trigger a rollover for a size-limit type rolling-file appender. Default 100mb.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.policy.interval Specify the time interval at which the policy should trigger a rollover for a time-interval type rolling-file appender.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.policy.modulate Whether the interval should be adjusted to cause the next rollover to occur on the interval boundary. Boolean. Default true.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.strategy.type Rolling file strategy type. Only numeric is currently supported.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.strategy.pattern The suffix to append to the file path when rolling. Must include %i.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.strategy.max The maximum number of files to keep. Optional. Default is 7 and the maximum is 100.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.layout.type Determines how the log messages are displayed. Options are pattern, which provides human-readable output, or json, which provides ECS-compliant output. Required.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.layout.highlight Optional boolean to highlight log messages in color. Applies to pattern layout only. Default is false.
logging.appenders[].<appender-name>.layout.pattern Optional string pattern for placeholders that will be replaced with data from the actual log message. Applicable to pattern type layout only.
logging.root.appenders[] List of specific appenders to apply to root. Defaults to console with pattern layout.
logging.root.level Specify default verbosity for all log messages to fall back to if not specifically configured at the individual logger level. Options are all, fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, off. The all and off levels can be used only in configuration and are just handy shortcuts that allow you to log every log record or disable logging entirely or for a specific logger. Default is info.
logging.loggers[].<logger>.name: Specific logger instance.
logging.loggers[].<logger>.level Specify verbosity of log messages for <logger> context. Optional and inherits the verbosity of any ancestor logger, up to the root logger level.
logging.loggers[].<logger>.appenders Determines the appender to apply to a specific logger context as an array. Optional and falls back to the appender(s) of the root logger if not specified.
deprecation.enable_http_debug_logs Optional boolean to log debug messages when a deprecated API is called. Default is false.

To update these settings, refer to APM settings.

If set to true, all events are logged, including system usage information and all requests. Defaults to false.
If set to true, all logging output other than error messages is suppressed. Defaults to false.
When set to true, queries sent to Elasticsearch are logged (requires logging.verbose set to true). Defaults to false.
When set to true, audit logging is enabled for security events. Defaults to false.
When set to "rolling-file" and xpack.security.audit.enabled is set to true, Kibana ECS audit logs are enabled. Beginning with version 8.0, this setting is no longer necessary for ECS audit log output; it's only necessary to set xpack.security.audit.enabled to true
List of filters that determine which audit events should be excluded from the ECS audit log.
When set to "rolling-file" and xpack.security.audit.enabled is set to true, Kibana ECS audit logs are enabled.