
Kibana audit events

Audit logging is a subscription feature that you can enable to keep track of security-related events, such as authorization success and failures. Logging these events enables you to monitor Kibana for suspicious activity and provides evidence in the event of an attack.

Refer to enabling and configuring audit logs for details on activation and tunning.

This section describes Kibana events that can be logged for auditing purposes.

Each event is broken down into category, type, action, and outcome fields to make it easy to filter, query and aggregate the resulting logs. The trace.id field can be used to correlate multiple events that originate from the same request.

Refer to audit schema for a table of fields logged with audit events.


To ensure that a record of every operation is persisted even in case of an unexpected error, asynchronous write operations are logged immediately after all authorization checks have passed, but before the response from Elasticsearch is received. Refer to the corresponding Elasticsearch logs for potential write errors.

Action Outcome Description
user_login success User has logged in successfully.
failure Failed login attempt (e.g. due to invalid credentials).
user_logout unknown User is logging out.
session_cleanup unknown Removing invalid or expired session.
access_agreement_acknowledged n/a User has acknowledged the access agreement.
Action Outcome Description
saved_object_create unknown User is creating a saved object.
failure User is not authorized to create a saved object.
saved_object_open_point_in_time unknown User is creating a Point In Time to use when querying saved objects.
failure User is not authorized to create a Point In Time for the provided saved object types.
connector_create unknown User is creating a connector.
failure User is not authorized to create a connector.
rule_create unknown User is creating a rule.
failure User is not authorized to create a rule.
ad_hoc_run_create unknown User is creating an ad hoc run.
failure User is not authorized to create an ad hoc run.
space_create unknown User is creating a space.
failure User is not authorized to create a space.
case_create unknown User is creating a case.
failure User is not authorized to create a case.
case_configuration_create unknown User is creating a case configuration.
failure User is not authorized to create a case configuration.
case_comment_create unknown User is creating a case comment.
failure User is not authorized to create a case comment.
case_comment_bulk_create unknown User is creating multiple case comments.
failure User is not authorized to create multiple case comments.
case_user_action_create_comment success User has created a case comment.
case_user_action_create_case success User has created a case.
ml_put_ad_job success Creating anomaly detection job.
failure Failed to create anomaly detection job.
ml_put_ad_datafeed success Creating anomaly detection datafeed.
failure Failed to create anomaly detection datafeed.
ml_put_calendar success Creating calendar.
failure Failed to create calendar.
ml_post_calendar_events success Adding events to calendar.
failure Failed to add events to calendar.
ml_forecast success Creating anomaly detection forecast.
failure Failed to create anomaly detection forecast.
ml_put_filter success Creating filter.
failure Failed to create filter.
ml_put_dfa_job success Creating data frame analytics job.
failure Failed to create data frame analytics job.
ml_put_trained_model success Creating trained model.
failure Failed to create trained model.
product_documentation_create unknown User requested to install the product documentation for use in AI Assistants.
knowledge_base_entry_create success User has created knowledge base entry [id=x]
failure Failed attempt to create a knowledge base entry
knowledge_base_entry_update success User has updated knowledge base entry [id=x]
failure Failed attempt to update a knowledge base entry
knowledge_base_entry_delete success User has deleted knowledge base entry [id=x]
failure Failed attempt to delete a knowledge base entry
Action Outcome Description
saved_object_update unknown User is updating a saved object.
failure User is not authorized to update a saved object.
saved_object_update_objects_spaces unknown User is adding and/or removing a saved object to/from other spaces.
failure User is not authorized to add or remove a saved object to or from other spaces.
saved_object_remove_references unknown User is removing references to a saved object.
failure User is not authorized to remove references to a saved object.
saved_object_collect_multinamespace_references success User has accessed references to a multi-space saved object.
failure User is not authorized to access references to a multi-space saved object.
connector_update unknown User is updating a connector.
failure User is not authorized to update a connector.
rule_update unknown User is updating a rule.
failure User is not authorized to update a rule.
rule_update_api_key unknown User is updating the API key of a rule.
failure User is not authorized to update the API key of a rule.
rule_enable unknown User is enabling a rule.
failure User is not authorized to enable a rule.
rule_disable unknown User is disabling a rule.
failure User is not authorized to disable a rule.
rule_mute unknown User is muting a rule.
failure User is not authorized to mute a rule.
rule_unmute unknown User is unmuting a rule.
failure User is not authorized to unmute a rule.
rule_alert_mute unknown User is muting an alert.
failure User is not authorized to mute an alert.
rule_alert_unmute unknown User is unmuting an alert.
failure User is not authorized to unmute an alert.
space_update unknown User is updating a space.
failure User is not authorized to update a space.
alert_update unknown User is updating an alert.
failure User is not authorized to update an alert.
rule_snooze unknown User is snoozing a rule.
failure User is not authorized to snooze a rule.
rule_unsnooze unknown User is unsnoozing a rule.
failure User is not authorized to unsnooze a rule.
case_update unknown User is updating a case.
failure User is not authorized to update a case.
case_push unknown User is pushing a case to an external service.
failure User is not authorized to push a case to an external service.
case_configuration_update unknown User is updating a case configuration.
failure User is not authorized to update a case configuration.
case_comment_update unknown User is updating a case comment.
failure User is not authorized to update a case comment.
case_user_action_add_case_assignees success User has added a case assignee.
case_user_action_update_case_connector success User has updated a case connector.
case_user_action_update_case_description success User has updated a case description.
case_user_action_update_case_settings success User has updated the case settings.
case_user_action_update_case_severity success User has updated the case severity.
case_user_action_update_case_status success User has updated the case status.
case_user_action_pushed_case success User has pushed a case to an external service.
case_user_action_add_case_tags success User has added tags to a case.
case_user_action_update_case_title success User has updated the case title.
ml_open_ad_job success Opening anomaly detection job.
failure Failed to open anomaly detection job.
ml_close_ad_job success Closing anomaly detection job.
failure Failed to close anomaly detection job.
ml_start_ad_datafeed success Starting anomaly detection datafeed.
failure Failed to start anomaly detection datafeed.
ml_stop_ad_datafeed success Stopping anomaly detection datafeed.
failure Failed to stop anomaly detection datafeed.
ml_update_ad_job success Updating anomaly detection job.
failure Failed to update anomaly detection job.
ml_reset_ad_job success Resetting anomaly detection job.
failure Failed to reset anomaly detection job.
ml_revert_ad_snapshot success Reverting anomaly detection snapshot.
failure Failed to revert anomaly detection snapshot.
ml_update_ad_datafeed success Updating anomaly detection datafeed.
failure Failed to update anomaly detection datafeed.
ml_put_calendar_job success Adding job to calendar.
failure Failed to add job to calendar.
ml_delete_calendar_job success Removing job from calendar.
failure Failed to remove job from calendar.
ml_update_filter success Updating filter.
failure Failed to update filter.
ml_start_dfa_job success Starting data frame analytics job.
failure Failed to start data frame analytics job.
ml_stop_dfa_job success Stopping data frame analytics job.
failure Failed to stop data frame analytics job.
ml_update_dfa_job success Updating data frame analytics job.
failure Failed to update data frame analytics job.
ml_start_trained_model_deployment success Starting trained model deployment.
failure Failed to start trained model deployment.
ml_stop_trained_model_deployment success Stopping trained model deployment.
failure Failed to stop trained model deployment.
ml_update_trained_model_deployment success Updating trained model deployment.
failure Failed to update trained model deployment.
product_documentation_update unknown User requested to update the product documentation for use in AI Assistants.
Action Outcome Description
saved_object_delete unknown User is deleting a saved object.
failure User is not authorized to delete a saved object.
saved_object_close_point_in_time unknown User is deleting a Point In Time that was used to query saved objects.
failure User is not authorized to delete a Point In Time.
connector_delete unknown User is deleting a connector.
failure User is not authorized to delete a connector.
rule_delete unknown User is deleting a rule.
failure User is not authorized to delete a rule.
ad_hoc_run_delete unknown User is deleting an ad hoc run.
failure User is not authorized to delete an ad hoc run.
space_delete unknown User is deleting a space.
failure User is not authorized to delete a space.
case_delete unknown User is deleting a case.
failure User is not authorized to delete a case.
case_comment_delete_all unknown User is deleting all comments associated with a case.
failure User is not authorized to delete all comments associated with a case.
case_comment_delete unknown User is deleting a case comment.
failure User is not authorized to delete a case comment.
case_user_action_delete_case_assignees success User has removed a case assignee.
case_user_action_delete_comment success User has deleted a case comment.
case_user_action_delete_case success User has deleted a case.
case_user_action_delete_case_tags success User has removed tags from a case.
ml_delete_ad_job success Deleting anomaly detection job.
failure Failed to delete anomaly detection job.
ml_delete_model_snapshot success Deleting model snapshot.
failure Failed to delete model snapshot.
ml_delete_ad_datafeed success Deleting anomaly detection datafeed.
failure Failed to delete anomaly detection datafeed.
ml_delete_calendar success Deleting calendar.
failure Failed to delete calendar.
ml_delete_calendar_event success Deleting calendar event.
failure Failed to delete calendar event.
ml_delete_filter success Deleting filter.
failure Failed to delete filter.
ml_delete_forecast success Deleting forecast.
failure Failed to delete forecast.
ml_delete_dfa_job success Deleting data frame analytics job.
failure Failed to delete data frame analytics job.
ml_delete_trained_model success Deleting trained model.
failure Failed to delete trained model.
product_documentation_delete unknown User requested to delete the product documentation for use in AI Assistants.
Action Outcome Description
saved_object_get success User has accessed a saved object.
failure User is not authorized to access a saved object.
saved_object_resolve success User has accessed a saved object.
failure User is not authorized to access a saved object.
saved_object_find success User has accessed a saved object as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for saved objects.
connector_get success User has accessed a connector.
failure User is not authorized to access a connector.
connector_find success User has accessed a connector as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for connectors.
rule_get success User has accessed a rule.
failure User is not authorized to access a rule.
rule_get_execution_log success User has accessed execution log for a rule.
failure User is not authorized to access execution log for a rule.
rule_find success User has accessed a rule as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for rules.
rule_schedule_backfill success User has accessed a rule as part of a backfill schedule operation.
failure User is not authorized to access rule for backfill scheduling.
ad_hoc_run_get success User has accessed an ad hoc run.
failure User is not authorized to access ad hoc run.
ad_hoc_run_find success User has accessed an ad hoc run as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for ad hoc runs.
space_get success User has accessed a space.
failure User is not authorized to access a space.
space_find success User has accessed a space as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for spaces.
alert_get success User has accessed an alert.
failure User is not authorized to access an alert.
alert_find success User has accessed an alert as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to access alerts.
case_get success User has accessed a case.
failure User is not authorized to access a case.
case_bulk_get success User has accessed multiple cases.
failure User is not authorized to access multiple cases.
case_resolve success User has accessed a case.
failure User is not authorized to access a case.
case_find success User has accessed a case as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for cases.
case_ids_by_alert_id_get success User has accessed cases.
failure User is not authorized to access cases.
case_get_metrics success User has accessed metrics for a case.
failure User is not authorized to access metrics for a case.
cases_get_metrics success User has accessed metrics for cases.
failure User is not authorized to access metrics for cases.
case_configuration_find success User has accessed a case configuration as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for case configurations.
case_comment_get_metrics success User has accessed metrics for case comments.
failure User is not authorized to access metrics for case comments.
case_comment_alerts_attach_to_case success User has accessed case alerts.
failure User is not authorized to access case alerts.
case_comment_get success User has accessed a case comment.
failure User is not authorized to access a case comment.
case_comment_bulk_get success User has accessed multiple case comments.
failure User is not authorized to access multiple case comments.
case_comment_get_all success User has accessed case comments.
failure User is not authorized to access case comments.
case_comment_find success User has accessed a case comment as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for case comments.
case_categories_get success User has accessed a case.
failure User is not authorized to access a case.
case_tags_get success User has accessed a case.
failure User is not authorized to access a case.
case_reporters_get success User has accessed a case.
failure User is not authorized to access a case.
case_find_statuses success User has accessed a case as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to search for cases.
case_user_actions_get success User has accessed the user activity of a case.
failure User is not authorized to access the user activity of a case.
case_user_actions_find success User has accessed the user activity of a case as part of a search operation.
failure User is not authorized to access the user activity of a case.
case_user_action_get_metrics success User has accessed metrics for the user activity of a case.
failure User is not authorized to access metrics for the user activity of a case.
case_user_action_get_users success User has accessed the users associated with a case.
failure User is not authorized to access the users associated with a case.
case_connectors_get success User has accessed the connectors of a case.
failure User is not authorized to access the connectors of a case.
ml_infer_trained_model success Inferring using trained model.
failure Failed to infer using trained model.
Action Outcome Description
http_request unknown User is making an HTTP request.

Audit logs are written in JSON using [Elastic Common Schema (ECS)]Elastic Common Schema (ECS)) specification.

Field Description
@timestamp Time when the event was generated.
Example: 2016-05-23T08:05:34.853Z
message Human readable description of the event.
Field Description
event.action The action captured by the event.
Refer to Audit events for a table of possible actions.
event.category High level category associated with the event.
This field is closely related to event.type, which is used as a subcategory.
Possible values:database,web,authentication
event.type Subcategory associated with the event.
This field can be used along with the event.category field to enable filtering events down to a level appropriate for single visualization.
Possible values:creation,access,change,deletion
event.outcome Denotes whether the event represents a success or failure:

* Any actions that the user is not authorized to perform are logged with outcome: failure
* Authorized read operations are only logged after successfully fetching the data from Elasticsearch with outcome: success
* Authorized create, update, or delete operations are logged before attempting the operation in Elasticsearch with outcome: unknown

Possible values: success, failure, unknown
Field Description
user.id Unique identifier of the user across sessions (See user profiles).
user.name Login name of the user.
Example: jdoe
user.roles[] Set of user roles at the time of the event.
Example: [kibana_admin, reporting_user]
Field Description
kibana.space_id ID of the space associated with the event.
Example: default
kibana.session_id ID of the user session associated with the event.
Each login attempt results in a unique session id.
kibana.saved_object.type Type of saved object associated with the event.
Example: dashboard
kibana.saved_object.id ID of the saved object associated with the event.
kibana.authentication_provider Name of the authentication provider associated with the event.
Example: my-saml-provider
kibana.authentication_type Type of the authentication provider associated with the event.
Example: saml
kibana.authentication_realm Name of the Elasticsearch realm that has authenticated the user.
Example: native
kibana.lookup_realm Name of the Elasticsearch realm where the user details were retrieved from.
Example: native
kibana.add_to_spaces[] Set of space IDs that a saved object is being shared to as part of the event.
Example: [default, marketing]
kibana.delete_from_spaces[] Set of space IDs that a saved object is being removed from as part of the event.
Example: [marketing]
Field Description
error.code Error code describing the error.
error.message Error message.
Field Description
client.ip Client IP address.
http.request.method HTTP request method.
Example: get, post, put, delete
http.request.headers.x-forwarded-for X-Forwarded-For request header used to identify the originating client IP address when connecting through proxy servers.
url.domain Domain of the URL.
Example: www.elastic.co
url.path Path of the request.
Example: /search
url.port Port of the request.
Example: 443
url.query The query field describes the query string of the request.
Example: q=elasticsearch
url.scheme Scheme of the request.
Example: https
Field Description
trace.id Unique identifier allowing events of the same transaction from Kibana and Elasticsearch to be correlated.