Deserializing Data
The plugins described in this section are useful for deserializing data into Logstash events.
- avro codec
Reads serialized Avro records as Logstash events. This plugin deserializes individual Avro records. It is not for reading Avro files. Avro files have a unique format that must be handled upon input.
The following config deserializes input from Kafka:
input { kafka { codec => { avro => { schema_uri => "/tmp/schema.avsc" } } } } ...
- csv filter
Parses comma-separated value data into individual fields. By default, the filter autogenerates field names (column1, column2, and so on), or you can specify a list of names. You can also change the column separator.
The following config parses CSV data into the field names specified in the
field:filter { csv { separator => "," columns => [ "Transaction Number", "Date", "Description", "Amount Debit", "Amount Credit", "Balance" ] } }
- fluent codec
Reads the Fluentd
schema.The following config decodes logs received from
:input { tcp { codec => fluent port => 4000 } }
- json codec
Decodes (via inputs) and encodes (via outputs) JSON formatted content, creating one event per element in a JSON array.
The following config decodes the JSON formatted content in a file:
input { file { path => "/path/to/myfile.json" codec =>"json" }
- protobuf codec
Reads protobuf encoded messages and converts them to Logstash events. Requires the protobuf definitions to be compiled as Ruby files. You can compile them by using the ruby-protoc compiler.
The following config decodes events from a Kafka stream:
input kafka { zk_connect => "" topic_id => "your_topic_goes_here" codec => protobuf { class_name => "Animal::Unicorn" include_path => ['/path/to/protobuf/definitions/UnicornProtobuf.pb.rb'] } } }
- xml filter
Parses XML into fields.
The following config parses the whole XML document stored in the
field:filter { xml { source => "message" } }