Migration Guide
How to migrate content from Asciidoc to V3.
Migration toolingΒΆ
Use the adoc-to-md conversion tool to migrate content sets from Asciidoc syntax to docs-builder syntax. Instructions to use the tool are in the readme file.
After running the migration tool, you can move and manipulate files while viewing a live preview of the content with docs-builder.
Building migrated content sets for the bug bashΒΆ
Assuming the following directory structure:
βββ tools/
β βββ docs-builder-mac-arm64.zip
β βββ docs-builder
βββ elasticsearch.md
βββ observability-docs.md
βββ kibana.md
You can build migrated content sets on a Mac by running the following commands.
For other systems, see Contribute locally
# move to GitHub dir
cd {GitHub_Repo_Dir}
# clone req'd repos
git clone https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch.md.git
git clone https://github.com/elastic/observability-docs.md.git
git clone https://github.com/elastic/kibana.md.git
# move back to GitHub dir
cd {GitHub_Repo_Dir}
mkdir tools
cd tools
# mac-specific
curl -LO https://github.com/elastic/docs-builder/releases/latest/download/docs-builder-mac-arm64.zip
unzip docs-builder-mac-arm64.zip
# Build ES Guide
./docs-builder serve -p ../elasticsearch.md/docs
# Build Obs Guide
./docs-builder serve -p ../observability-docs.md/docs
# Build Kib Guide
./docs-builder serve -p ../kibana.md/docs