Product Availability

Applies To: Elastic Stack (8.1.0) Elastic Cloud Enterprise Unavailable Elastic Cloud Kubernetes Beta (3.0.2) Elastic Cloud Hosted Beta (8.1.1) Serverless Technical Preview

Using yaml frontmatter pages can explicitly indicate to each deployment targets availability and lifecycle status

  stack: ga 8.1
  serverless: tech-preview
  hosted: beta 8.1.1
  eck: beta 3.0.2
  ece: unavailable

Its syntax is

 <product>: <lifecycle> [version]

Where version is optional.

all and empty string mean generally available for all active versions

  serverless: all

all and empty string can also be specified at a version level

  stack: beta all
  serverless: beta

Are equivalent, note all just means we won't be rendering the version portion in the html.

This section has its own applies annotations ¶

Applies To: Elastic Stack Unavailable Elastic Cloud Hosted Serverless Technical Preview


the {applies} directive MUST be preceded by a heading.

This section describes a feature that's unavailable in stack and ga in all cloud products
however its tech preview on serverless since it overrides what cloud specified.