
Elastic Agent to Logstash to Kafka to Kafka ES Sink to Elasticsearch: Kafka as middleware message queue

Image showing {{agent}} collecting data and using Kafka as a message queue enroute to {{es}}
Ingest model

Control path: Elastic Agent to Fleet to Elasticsearch
Data path: Elastic Agent to Logstash to Kafka to Kafka ES Sink to Elasticsearch: Kafka as middleware message queue.

Kafka ES Sink connector reads from Kafka and writes to Elasticsearch.

Use when
You are standardizing on Kafka as middleware message queue between Elastic Agent and Elasticsearch
The transformation from raw data to Elastic Common Schema (ECS) and any other enrichment can be handled by Logstash as described in Elastic Agent to Logstash (for enrichment) to Elasticsearch.

Info on Elastic Agent and agent integrations:

Info on Logstash and Logstash plugins:

Info on Elasticsearch: