
Find apps and objects

Elastic Stack Serverless

To quickly find apps and the objects you create, use the search field in the global header. Search suggestions include deep links into applications, allowing you to directly navigate to the views you need most.

Example of searching for apps

You can search for objects by type, name, and tag. To get the most from the search feature, follow these tips:

  • Use the keyboard shortcut—Ctrl+/ on Windows and Linux, Command+/ on MacOS—to focus on the input at any time.

  • Use the provided syntax keywords.

    Search by type type:dashboard
    Available types: application, canvas-workpad, dashboard, data-view, lens, maps, query, search, visualization
    Search by tag tag:mytagname
    tag:"tag name with spaces"
    Search by type and name type:dashboard my_dashboard_title
    Advanced searches tag:(tagname1 or tagname2) my_dashboard_title
    type:lens tag:(tagname1 or tagname2)
    type:(dashboard or canvas-workpad) logs

This example searches for visualizations with the tag design .

Example of searching for tags