
Language identification

Elastic Stack Serverless

Language identification enables you to determine the language of text.

A language identification model is provided in your cluster, which you can use in an inference processor of an ingest pipeline by using its model ID (lang_ident_model_1). For an example, refer to Add NLP inference to ingest pipelines.

The longer the text passed into the language identification model, the more accurately the model can identify the language. It is fairly accurate on short samples (for example, 50 character-long streams) in certain languages, but languages that are similar to each other are harder to identify based on a short character stream. If there is no valid text from which the identity can be inferred, the model returns the special language code zxx. If you prefer to use a different default value, you can adjust your ingest pipeline to replace zxx predictions with your preferred value.

Language identification takes into account Unicode boundaries when the feature set is built. If the text has diacritical marks, then the model uses that information for identifying the language of the text. In certain cases, the model can detect the source language even if it is not written in the script that the language traditionally uses. These languages are marked in the supported languages table (see below) with the Latn subtag. Language identification supports Unicode input.

The table below contains the ISO codes and the English names of the languages that language identification supports. If a language has a 2-letter ISO 639-1 code, the table contains that identifier. Otherwise, the 3-letter ISO 639-2 code is used. The Latn subtag indicates that the language is transliterated into Latin script.

Code Language Code Language Code Language
af Afrikaans hr Croatian pa Punjabi
am Amharic ht Haitian pl Polish
ar Arabic hu Hungarian ps Pashto
az Azerbaijani hy Armenian pt Portuguese
be Belarusian id Indonesian ro Romanian
bg Bulgarian ig Igbo ru Russian
bg-Latn Bulgarian is Icelandic ru-Latn Russian
bn Bengali it Italian sd Sindhi
bs Bosnian iw Hebrew si Sinhala
ca Catalan ja Japanese sk Slovak
ceb Cebuano ja-Latn Japanese sl Slovenian
co Corsican jv Javanese sm Samoan
cs Czech ka Georgian sn Shona
cy Welsh kk Kazakh so Somali
da Danish km Central Khmer sq Albanian
de German kn Kannada sr Serbian
el Greek, modern ko Korean st Southern Sotho
el-Latn Greek, modern ku Kurdish su Sundanese
en English ky Kirghiz sv Swedish
eo Esperanto la Latin sw Swahili
es Spanish, Castilian lb Luxembourgish ta Tamil
et Estonian lo Lao te Telugu
eu Basque lt Lithuanian tg Tajik
fa Persian lv Latvian th Thai
fi Finnish mg Malagasy tr Turkish
fil Filipino mi Maori uk Ukrainian
fr French mk Macedonian ur Urdu
fy Western Frisian ml Malayalam uz Uzbek
ga Irish mn Mongolian vi Vietnamese
gd Gaelic mr Marathi xh Xhosa
gl Galician ms Malay yi Yiddish
gu Gujarati mt Maltese yo Yoruba
ha Hausa my Burmese zh Chinese
haw Hawaiian ne Nepali zh-Latn Chinese
hi Hindi nl Dutch, Flemish zu Zulu
hi-Latn Hindi no Norwegian
hmn Hmong ny Chichewa

In the following example, we feed the language identification trained model a short Hungarian text that contains diacritics and a couple of English words. The model identifies the text correctly as Hungarian with high probability.

POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate
               "model_id":"lang_ident_model_1", 1
                     "num_top_classes":5 2
         "_source":{ 3
            "text":"Sziasztok! Ez egy rövid magyar szöveg. Nézzük, vajon sikerül-e azonosítania a language identification funkciónak? Annak ellenére is sikerülni fog, hogy a szöveg két angol szót is tartalmaz."
  1. ID of the language identification trained model.
  2. Specifies the number of languages to report by descending order of probability.
  3. The source object that contains the text to identify.

In the example above, the num_top_classes value indicates that only the top five languages (that is to say, the ones with the highest probability) are reported.

The request returns the following response:

  "docs" : [
      "doc" : {
        "_index" : "_index",
        "_type" : "_doc",
        "_id" : "_id",
        "_source" : {
          "text" : "Sziasztok! Ez egy rövid magyar szöveg. Nézzük, vajon sikerül-e azonosítania a language identification funkciónak? Annak ellenére is sikerülni fog, hogy a szöveg két angol szót is tartalmaz.",
          "ml" : {
            "inference" : {
              "top_classes" : [ 1
                  "class_name" : "hu",
                  "class_probability" : 0.9999936063740517,
                  "class_score" : 0.9999936063740517
                  "class_name" : "lv",
                  "class_probability" : 2.5020248433413966E-6,
                  "class_score" : 2.5020248433413966E-6
                  "class_name" : "is",
                  "class_probability" : 1.0150420723037688E-6,
                  "class_score" : 1.0150420723037688E-6
                  "class_name" : "ga",
                  "class_probability" : 6.67935962773335E-7,
                  "class_score" : 6.67935962773335E-7
                  "class_name" : "tr",
                  "class_probability" : 5.591166324774555E-7,
                  "class_score" : 5.591166324774555E-7
              "predicted_value" : "hu", 2
              "model_id" : "lang_ident_model_1"
        "_ingest" : {
          "timestamp" : "2020-01-22T14:25:14.644912Z"
  1. Contains scores for the most probable languages.
  2. The ISO identifier of the language with the highest probability.