
Machine learning decider

The autoscaling machine learning decider (ml) calculates the memory and CPU requirements to run machine learning jobs and trained models.

The machine learning decider is enabled for policies governing ml nodes.


For machine learning jobs to open when the cluster is not appropriately scaled, set xpack.ml.max_lazy_ml_nodes to the largest number of possible machine learning nodes (refer to Advanced machine learning settings for more information). In Elastic Cloud Hosted, this is automatically set.

Both num_anomaly_jobs_in_queue and num_analytics_jobs_in_queue are designed to delay a scale-up event. If the cluster is too small, these settings indicate how many jobs of each type can be unassigned from a node. Both settings are only considered for jobs that can be opened given the current scale. If a job is too large for any node size or if a job can’t be assigned without user intervention (for example, a user calling _stop against a real-time anomaly detection job), the numbers are ignored for that particular job.

(Optional, integer) Specifies the number of queued anomaly detection jobs to allow. Defaults to 0.
(Optional, integer) Specifies the number of queued data frame analytics analytics jobs to allow. Defaults to 0.
(Optional, time value) Specifies the time to delay before scaling down. Defaults to 1 hour. If a scale down is possible for the entire time window, then a scale down is requested. If the cluster requires a scale up during the window, the window is reset.

This example creates an autoscaling policy named my_autoscaling_policy that overrides the default configuration of the machine learning decider.

 PUT /_autoscaling/policy/my_autoscaling_policy {
  "roles" : [ "ml" ],
  "deciders": {
    "ml": {
      "num_anomaly_jobs_in_queue": 5,
      "num_analytics_jobs_in_queue": 3,
      "down_scale_delay": "30m"

The API returns the following result:

  "acknowledged": true