
Edit Kibana user settings

Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku supports most of the standard Kibana and X-Pack settings. Through a YAML editor in the console, you can append Kibana properties to the kibana.yml file. Your changes to the configuration file are read on startup.


Be aware that some settings that could break your cluster if set incorrectly and that the syntax might change between major versions. Before upgrading, be sure to review the full list of the latest Kibana settings and syntax.

To change Kibana settings:

  1. Log in to the Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku console.

  2. On the Deployments page, select your deployment.

    Narrow your deployments by name, ID, or choose from several other filters. To customize your view, use a combination of filters, or change the format from a grid to a list.

  3. From your deployment menu, go to the Edit page.

  4. In the Kibana section, select Edit user settings. (For deployments with existing user settings, you may have to expand the Edit kibana.yml caret instead.)

  5. Update the user settings.

  6. Select Save changes.

Saving your changes initiates a configuration plan change that restarts Kibana automatically for you.


If a setting is not supported by Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku, you will get an error message when you try to save.

Sets the maximum number of concurrent shard requests that each sub-search request executes per node during Kibana CSV export. Defaults to 5.
Specifies the maximum number of actions that can be queued. Defaults to 1000000.
Allow to configure batch size for creating and updating Fleet user artifacts. Examples include creation of Trusted Applications and Endpoint Exceptions in Security. To learn more, check Fleet settings in Kibana.
Allow to configure the max file upload size for use with the Upload File Repsonse action available with the Defend Integration. To learn more, check Endpoint Response actions.
Set the maximum number of sessions each user is allowed to have active in Kibana. By default, no limit is applied. If set, the value of this option should be an integer between 1 and 1000. When the limit is exceeded, the oldest session is automatically invalidated. To learn more, check Session management.
Controls whether the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy header is used in all responses to the client from the Kibana server. To learn more, see Configure Kibana.
Enable brotli compression format for browser-server communications. Default: false. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Allow to configure experimental feature for Fleet. To learn more, check Fleet settings in Kibana.
Discard saved objects with unknown types during a migration. Must be set to the target version, e.g.: 8.4.0. Default: undefined. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Discard corrupt saved objects, as well as those that cause transform errors during a migration. Must be set to the target version, e.g.: 8.4.0. Default: undefined. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Enable compression for communications with Elasticsearch. Default: false. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
The maximum number of sockets that can be used for communications with Elasticsearch. Default: Infinity. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Propagate request-specific metadata to Elasticsearch server by way of the x-opaque-id header. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
For 7.x versions version 7.11 and higher, a new version of the datatable visualization is used. Set to true to enable the legacy version. In version 8.0, the old implementation is removed and this setting is no longer supported.
Set to true to allow Vega vizualizations to use data from sources other than the linked Elasticsearch cluster. In stack version 8.0 and above, the vega.enableExternalUrls is not supported. Use vis_type_vega.enableExternalUrls instead.
Defines the maximum payload size for indexing batches of saved objects during upgrade migrations. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
The maximum payload size in bytes for incoming server requests. Default: 1048576. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Controls whether the Strict-Transport-Security header is used in all responses to the client from the Kibana server. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Controls whether the X-Content-Type-Options header is used in all responses to the client from the Kibana server. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Controls whether the Referrer-Policy header is used in all responses to the client from the Kibana server. To learn more, see Configure Kibana.
Controls whether the Permissions-Policy header is used in all responses to the client from the Kibana server. To learn more, see Configure Kibana.
Controls whether the Permissions-Policy-Report-Only header is used in all responses to the client from the Kibana server. To learn more, see Configure Kibana.
Controls whether the Content-Security-Policy and X-Frame-Options headers are configured to disable embedding Kibana in other webpages using iframes. To learn more, see Configure Kibana.
Specifies the time in milliseconds to wait for autocomplete suggestions from Elasticsearch. The default is 1000. Allowed values are between 1 and 1200000. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Specifies the max number of documents loaded by each shard to generate autocomplete suggestions. The default is 100000. Allowed values are between 1 and 10000000. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Adds the map attribution string.
Sets the maximum zoom level.
Sets the minimum zoom level.
Provides an array of subdomains used by the tile service. Specify the position of the subdomain the URL with the token {s}.
Lists the URL to the tileservice that Kibana uses to display map tiles in tilemap visualizations.
Specifies the locale for all strings, dates, and number formats that can be localized. Defaults to en (English).
Defines the number of documents migrated at a time during saved object upgrade migrations. To learn more, check Configure Kibana.
Specifies the default route when opening Kibana. You can use this setting to modify the landing page when opening Kibana.
Specifies HTTP header names and values that the Kibana backend will return to the client.

Specifies additional vector layers for use in Region Map visualizations. Each layer object points to an external vector file that contains a geojson FeatureCollection. The file must use the WGS84 coordinate reference system and only include polygons. If the file is hosted on a separate domain from Kibana, the server needs to be CORS-enabled so Kibana can download the file. The following example shows a valid regionmap configuration.

  includeElasticMapsService: false
    - name: "Departments of France"
      url: "http://my.cors.enabled.server.org/france_departements.geojson"
      attribution:   "INRAP"
        - name: "department"
          description: "Full department name"
        - name: "INSEE"
          description: "INSEE numeric identifier"
Turns on or off whether layers from the Elastic Maps Service should be included in the vector layer option list. Supported on Elastic Cloud Enterprise. By turning this off, only the layers that are configured here will be included. The default is true.
Optional. References the originating source of the geojson file.
Mandatory. Each layer can contain multiple fields to indicate what properties from the geojson features you wish to expose. The previous example shows how to define multiple properties.
Mandatory. The human readable text that is shown under the Options tab when building the Region Map visualization.
Mandatory. This value is used to do an inner-join between the document stored in Elasticsearch and the geojson file. For example, if the field in the geojson is called Location and has city names, there must be a field in Elasticsearch that holds the same values that Kibana can then use to lookup for the geoshape data.
Mandatory. A description of the map being provided.
Mandatory. The location of the geojson file as provided by a webserver.
Adds the map attribution string.
Sets the maximum zoom level.
Sets the minimum zoom level.
Provides an array of subdomains used by the tile service. Specify the position of the subdomain the URL with the token {s}.
Lists the URL to the tileservice that Kibana uses to display map tiles in tilemap visualizations.

If you are using SAML to secure your clusters, these settings are supported in Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku.

To learn more, refer to configuring Kibana to use SAML.

The following additional setting is supported:

Allows the SAML authentication URL within Kibana, so that the Kibana server doesn’t reject external authentication messages that originate from your Identity Provider.
Specifies if Kibana should treat the RelayState parameter as a deep link when Identity Provider Initiated login flow is used.
Specifies order of the SAML authentication provider in the authentication chain.
Specifies which SAML realm in Elasticsearch should be used.
Specifies the maximum size of the URL that Kibana is allowed to store during the SAML handshake.
Specifies how SAML login should be titled in the Login Selector UI.
Specifies the maximum size of the URL that Kibana is allowed to store during the SAML handshake.
Specifies which SAML realm in Elasticsearch should be used.
Specifies which providers are going to be used in Kibana.
Set to saml to instruct Kibana to use SAML SSO as the authentication method.
Set to HTTP or HTTPS. To access Kibana, HTTPS protocol is recommended.
Set to a fully qualified hostname to connect your users to the proxy server.
The port number that connects your users to the proxy server (for example, 80 for HTTP or 443 for HTTPS).
Specifies if Kibana should treat the RelayState parameter as a deep link when Identity Provider Initiated login flow is used.
Explicitly allows the SAML authentication URL within Kibana, so that the Kibana server doesn’t reject external authentication messages that originate from your Identity Provider. This setting is renamed to server.xsrf.allowlist in version 8.0.0.

If you are using OpenID Connect to secure your clusters, these settings are supported in Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku.

Specifies order of the OpenID Connect authentication provider in the authentication chain.
Specifies which OpenID Connect realm in Elasticsearch should be used.
Specifies how OpenID Connect login should be titled in the Login Selector UI.
Specifies which OpenID Connect realm in Elasticsearch should be used.

To learn more, check configuring Kibana to use OpenID Connect.

If you want to allow anonymous authentication in Kibana, these settings are supported in Elasticsearch Add-On for Heroku. To learn more on how to enable anonymous access, check Enabling anonymous access and Configuring Kibana to use anonymous authentication.

Specifies the session duration in milliseconds. Allows a value between 15000 (15 seconds) and 86400000 (1 day). To learn more, check Security settings in Kibana. Deprecated in versions 7.6+ and removed in versions 8.0+.
Enables access for the anonymous user. In versions prior to 7.10 anonymous access is enabled by default, but you can add this setting if you want to avoid anonymous access being disabled accidentally by a subsequent upgrade.
Specifies order of the anonymous authentication provider in the authentication chain.
Specifies which credentials Kibana should use for anonymous users.

You can configure the following X-Pack settings from the Kibana User Settings editor.

Allow to disable the automatic creation of global dataviews logs-* and metrics-*.
Controls the number of tasks that can be run at one time. Can be minimum 5 and maximum 50. Default: 10.
The MIME types that you can attach to a case, represented in an array of strings. For example: ['image/tiff','text/csv','application/zip']. The default MIME types are specified in mime_types.ts.
The size limit for files that you can attach to a case, represented as the number of bytes. By default, the limit is 10 MiB for images and 100 MiB for all other MIME types. If you specify a value for this setting, it affects all file types.
A boolean value indicating that a footer with a relevant link should be added to emails sent as alerting actions. Default: true.
Specifies the maximum number of times an action can be attempted to run. Can be minimum 1 and maximum 10.
Overrides the settings under xpack.actions.run for a connector type with the given ID. For example id:'.server-log', maxAttempts:5.
Set to info for Task Manager to log the health monitoring stats at info level instead of debug. Default: debug.
This setting specifies the access agreement text in Markdown format that will be used as the default access agreement for all providers that do not specify a value for xpack.security.authc.providers.<provider-type>.<provider-name>.accessAgreement.message.
Sets the maximum number of alerts that a rule can generate each time detection checks run. Defaults to 1000.
Enables the Kibana UI for Elastic’s Cloud Security Posture solution. The solution provides audit & compliance checks on Cloud & Kubernetes environments. Defaults to false.
Overrides the settings under xpack.alerting.rules.run.actions for a connector type with the given ID. For example id:'.server-log', max:1000.
Specifies the minimum schedule interval for rules. This minimum is applied to all rules created or updated after you set this value. Defaults to 1m.
Specifies the behavior when a new or changed rule has a schedule interval less than the value defined in xpack.alerting.rules.minimumScheduleInterval.value. If false, rules with schedules less than the interval will be created but warnings will be logged. If true, rules with schedules less than the interval cannot be created. Default: false.
Sets the maximum number of actions that a rule can trigger each time detection checks run (maximum 100000).
Specifies the default timeout for the all rule types tasks.
Overrides the settings under xpack.alerting.rules.run for a rule type with the given id. e.g. (id:'index-threshold', timeout:'5m'),
Set to false to enable writing alerts and scheduling actions even if rule execution is cancelled due to timeout. Defaults to true.
Set to true to enable the Endpoint application.
Set to false to disable the Fleet application. Also enables the EPM and Agents features. For details about using this application, check the blog post Easier data onboarding with Elastic Agent and Ingest Manager.
Set to false to disable the Agents API & UI.
Specifies the observability alert indices that are disabled to be written. Data type is array. Allowed values are: [ observability.logs,observability.metrics,observability.apm,observability.uptime ]
A list of allowed email domains which can be used with the email connector. When this setting is not used, all email domains are allowed. When this setting is used, if any email is attempted to be sent that (a) includes an addressee with an email domain that is not in the allowlist, or (b) includes a from address domain that is not in the allowlist, it will fail with a message indicating the email is not allowed.

This setting is not available in versions 8.0.0 through 8.2.0. As such, this setting should be removed before upgrading from 7.17 to 8.0, 8.1 or 8.2. It is possible to configure the settings in 7.17.4 and then upgrade to 8.3.0 directly.


Enables event loop delay monitoring, which will log a warning when a task causes an event loop delay which exceeds the warn_threshold setting. Defaults to true.


This setting is not available in versions 8.0.0 through 8.1.1.


Sets the amount of event loop delay during a task execution which will cause a warning to be logged. Defaults to 5000 milliseconds (5 seconds).


This setting is not available in versions 8.0.0 through 8.1.1. As such, this setting should be removed before upgrading from 7.17 to 8.0 or 8.1.0. It is possible to configure the settings in 7.17.2 and then upgrade to 8.2.0 directly.

Specifies the default timeout for the all rule types tasks. Defaults to 5m. Deprecated in versions 8.2+ and removed in Elastic Stack 9.0+.
Specifies the URL to the Microsoft Graph server when using the MS Exchange Server email service. Defaults to https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0.
Sets the number of actions that will be executed ephemerally. Defaults to 10.
Enables an experimental feature that executes a limited (and configurable) number of actions in the same task as the alert which triggered them. These action tasks reduce the latency of the time it takes an action to run after it’s triggered, but are not persisted as SavedObjects. These non-persisted action tasks have a risk that they won’t be run at all if the Kibana instance running them exits unexpectedly. Defaults to false.
Sets the size of the ephemeral queue. Defaults to 10.
An array of objects, one per host, containing the SSL/TLS settings used when executing connectors which make HTTPS and SMTP connections to the host servers. For details about using this setting, check Alerting and action settings in Kibana.
Controls the verification of the proxy server certificate that hosted-ems receives when making an outbound SSL/TLS connection to the host server. Valid values are full, certificate, and none. Use full to perform hostname verification, certificate to skip hostname verification, and none to skip verification. Default: full.
Controls the verification of the server certificate that hosted-ems receives when making an outbound SSL/TLS connection to the host server. Valid values are full, certificate, and none. Use full to perform hostname verification, certificate to skip hostname verification, and none to skip verification. Default: full.
Enable to allow the Kibana task manager to log at either a warning or error log level if it self-detects performance issues. Default: false.
The number of seconds we allow a task to delay before printing a warning server log. Default: 60.
Set to true to enable experimental Alert history Elasticsearch index connector. Default: false.
Set to true to enable the "explore underlying data" menu action in dashboards. Default: false.
Specifies hostnames which should not use the proxy, if using a proxy for actions. The value is an array of hostnames as strings. By default, all hosts will use the proxy. The settings xpack.actions.proxyBypassHosts and xpack.actions.proxyOnlyHosts cannot be used at the same time.
Specifies hostnames which should only be used with the proxy, if using a proxy for actions. The value is an array of hostnames as strings. By default, all hosts will use the proxy. The settings xpack.actions.proxyBypassHosts and xpack.actions.proxyOnlyHosts cannot be used at the same time.
Specifies the max number of bytes of the HTTP response for requests to external resources. Defaults to 1mb.
Specifies the time allowed for requests to external resources. Requests that take longer are aborted. The time is formatted as <count>[ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|Y], for example, 20m, 24h, 7d, 1w. Defaults to 60s.

Specifies the thresholds for failed task executions. If the percentage of failed executions exceeds the specified thresholds, the health of the task will be reported as configured. Can be specified at a default level or a custom level for specific task types. The following example shows a valid monitored_task_execution_thresholds configuration.

    error_threshold: 70
    warn_threshold: 50
      error_threshold: 50
      warn_threshold: 0
Specifies the threshold for version conflicts. If the percentage of version conflicts exceeds the threshold, the task manager poll_interval will automatically be adjusted. Default: 80.
Specifies the proxy URL to use, if using a proxy for actions.
Specifies headers for proxy, if using a proxy for actions.
Set to false to disable the Ingest Manager application. Also enables the EPM and Fleet features. For details about using this application, check the blog post Easier data onboarding with Elastic Agent and Ingest Manager.
Set to false to disable the Fleet API & UI.
Sets the number of bytes (default 9000000, maximum 100000000) allowed for uploading Security Solution value lists. For every 10 megabytes, it is recommended to have an additional 1 gigabyte of RAM reserved for Kibana. For example, on a Kibana instance with 2 gigabytes of RAM, you can set this value up to 20000000 (20 megabytes).
Sets the buffer size used for uploading Security Solution value lists (default 1000). Change the value if you are experiencing slow upload speeds or larger than wanted memory usage when uploading value lists. Set to a higher value to increase throughput at the expense of using more Kibana memory, or a lower value to decrease throughput and reduce memory usage.
Sets the SameSite attribute of Set-Cookie HTTP header. It allows you to declare whether your cookie should be restricted to a first-party or same-site context. Not set by default, which makes modern browsers treat it as Lax. If you use Kibana embedded in an iframe in modern browsers, you might need to set it to None. Note that None usage requires secure context: xpack.security.secureCookies: true. Some old versions of IE11 do not support SameSite: None, so you should not specify xpack.security.sameSiteCookies at all.
Set to true (default false) to enable the Ingest Manager application. Also enables the EPM and Fleet features. For details about using this application, check the blog post Easier data onboarding with Elastic Agent and Ingest Manager.
Set to true (default) to enable the EPM API & UI.
Set to true (default) to enable the Fleet API & UI.
Specify the maximum number of tasks a Kibana will run concurrently. Default: 10. Deprecated in versions 8.16+
Specify how often, in milliseconds, a Kibana should check for more tasks. Default: 3000.
Set to true to enable logging event log documents from alerting to the Kibana log, in addition to being indexed into the event log index. Default: false.
Set the session duration. The format is a string of count and unit, where unit is one of ms,s,m,h,d,w,M,Y. For example, 70ms, 5s, 3d, 1Y. To learn more, check Security settings in Kibana.
Sets the maximum duration, also known as "absolute timeout". After this duration, the session will expire even if it is not idle. To learn more, check Security settings in Kibana.
Set to true if you want to create new region map visualizations.
Set to an array of host names which actions such as email, slack, pagerduty, and webhook can connect to. An element of * indicates any host can be connected to. An empty array indicates no hosts can be connected to. Default: [ * ]
Set to an array of action types that are enabled. An element of * indicates all action types registered are enabled. The action types provided by Kibana are: .server-log, .slack, .email, .index, .pagerduty, .webhook. Default: [ * ]
Set to true (default) to enable the Grok Debugger.
Set to false to disable X-Pack graph.
When enabled, specifies the email address to receive cluster alert notifications.
Controls how often data samples are collected.
Specifies the minimum number of seconds that a time bucket in a chart can represent. If you modify the xpack.monitoring.kibana.collection.interval, use the same value in this setting.
For Elasticsearch clusters that run in containers, enables the Node Listing to display the CPU utilization based on the Cgroup statistics, and adds the Cgroup CPU utilization to the Node Overview page instead of the overall operating system CPU utilization.

Set to true (default) to enable machine learning.

If set to false in kibana.yml, the machine learning icon is hidden in this Kibana instance. If xpack.ml.enabled is set to true in elasticsearch.yml, however, you can still use the machine learning APIs. To disable machine learning entirely, check the Elasticsearch Machine Learning Settings.

Add sources for the Content Security Policy script-src directive. When csp.strict is true, csp.script_src may not be unsafe-inline. Rules may not contain nonce-* or none and will not override the defaults. Default: ['unsafe-eval', 'self']
Add sources for the Content Security Policy worker-src directive. Rules may not contain nonce-* or none and will not override the defaults. Default: [blob:, 'self']
Add sources for the Content Security Policy style-src directive. Rules may not contain nonce-* or none and will not override the defaults. Default: ['unsafe-inline', 'self']
Add sources for the Content Security Policy connect-src directive.
Add sources for the Content Security Policy default-src directive.
Add sources for the Content Security Policy font-src directive.
Add sources for the Content Security Policy frame-src directive.
Add sources for the Content Security Policy img-src directive.
Add sources for the Content Security Policy report-uri directive.
Add sources for the Content Security Policy form-action directive in reporting mode.
Blocks Kibana access to any browser that does not enforce even rudimentary CSP rules. In practice, this disables support for older, less safe browsers like Internet Explorer. Default: true To learn more, check Configure Kibana].
Shows a warning message after loading Kibana to any browser that does not enforce even rudimentary CSP rules, though Kibana is still accessible. This configuration is effectively ignored when csp.strict is enabled. Default: true

[preview] Set this to true to remove the unsafe-eval source expression from the script-src directive. Default: false

By enabling csp.disableUnsafeEval, Kibana will use a custom version of the Handlebars template library which doesn’t support inline partials. Handlebars is used in various locations in the Kibana frontend where custom templates can be supplied by the user when for instance setting up a visualisation. If you experience any issues rendering Handlebars templates after turning on csp.disableUnsafeEval, or if you rely on inline partials, please revert this setting to false and open an issue in the Kibana GitHub repository.

Add sources for the permissions policy report-to directive. To learn more, see Configure Kibana

Banners are disabled by default. You need to manually configure them in order to use the feature.

Set to top to display a banner above the Elastic header. Defaults to disabled.
The text to display inside the banner, either plain text or Markdown.
The color for the banner text. Defaults to #8A6A0A.
The color of the banner background. Defaults to #FFF9E8.
If true, per-space banner overrides are disabled. Defaults to false.
Choose the API method used to page through data during CSV export. Valid options are scroll and pit. Defaults to pit.

Each method has its own unique limitations which are important to understand.

  • Scroll API: Search is limited to 500 shards at the very most. In cases where data shards are unavailable or time out, the export may return partial data.
  • PIT API: Permissions to read data aliases alone will not work. The permissions are needed on the underlying indices or data streams. In cases where data shards are unavailable or time out, the export will be empty instead of returning partial data.
Amount of time allowed before Kibana cleans the scroll context during a CSV export. Valid option is either auto or time, Defaults to 30s.

Support for the The option auto was included here, when the config value is set to auto the scroll context will be preserved for as long as is possible, before the report task is terminated due to the limits of xpack.reporting.queue.timeout.

Set to false to completely disable reporting.

Specifies the time each worker has to produce a report. If your machine is slow or under heavy load, you might need to increase this timeout. Specified in milliseconds (number) or duration (string). Duration is a string value formatted as <count>[ms|s|m|h|d|w|M|Y], for example, 20m, 24h, 7d, 1w.

Defaults to 120000 (2 minutes)


Specifies how many retries to attempt in case of occasional failures.

Defaults to 3.


Specify how long to allow the Reporting browser to wait for the "Loading…​" screen to dismiss and find the initial data for the Kibana page. If the time is exceeded, a page screenshot is captured showing the current state, and the download link shows a warning message.

Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).


Specify how long to allow the Reporting browser to wait for all visualization panels to load on the Kibana page. If the time is exceeded, a page screenshot is captured showing the current state, and the download link shows a warning message.

Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).


Specify how long to allow the Reporting browser to wait for all visualizations to fetch and render the data. If the time is exceeded, a page screenshot is captured showing the current state, and the download link shows a warning message.

Defaults to 30000 (30 seconds).


Specifies the browser to use to capture screenshots. Valid options are phantom and chromium.

Beginning with version 7.0, chromium is the only allowed option. Defaults to phantom for earlier versions.


Sets the maximum size of a CSV file before being truncated. This setting exists to prevent large exports from causing performance and storage issues. Until 7.15, maximum allowed value is 50 MB (52428800 Bytes).

Defaults to 250MB. Elastic Stack versions before 8.10 default to 10485760 (10MB).

Set to any text string. To provide your own encryption key for reports, use this setting.
When true, grants users access to the reporting features when they are assigned the reporting_user role. Granting access to users this way is deprecated. Set to false and use Kibana privileges instead.

Defaults to true.

Amount of time allowed before Kibana cleans the scroll context during a CSV export.

Defaults to 30s (30 seconds).


If search latency in Elasticsearch is sufficiently high, such as if you are using cross-cluster search or frozen tiers, you may need to increase the setting.

Sets the number of documents retrieved from Elasticsearch for each scroll iteration during Kibana CSV export. Defaults to 500.
Enables a check that warns you when there’s a potential formula included in the output (=, -, +, and @ chars). See OWASP: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/CSV_Injection. Defaults to true.
Escapes formula values in cells with a '. See OWASP: https://www.owasp.org/index.php/CSV_Injection. Defaults to true.
Adds a byte order mark (\ufeff) at the beginning of the CSV file. Defaults to false.

To change logging settings or to enable auditing you must first enable deployment logging.

The following logging settings are supported:

Can be used to adjust Kibana’s logging level. Allowed values are fatal, error, warn, info, debug, trace, and all. Setting this to all causes all events to be logged, including system usage information, all requests, and Elasticsearch queries. This has a similar effect to enabling both logging.verbose and elasticsearch.logQueries in older 7.x versions. Setting to error has a similar effect to enabling logging.quiet in older 7.x versions. Defaults to info.
When set to true, audit logging is enabled for security events. Defaults to false.
When set to "rolling-file" and xpack.security.audit.enabled is set to true, Kibana ECS audit logs are enabled. Beginning with version 8.0, this setting is no longer necessary for ECS audit log output; it’s only necessary to set xpack.security.audit.enabled to true
If set to true, all events are logged, including system usage information and all requests. Defaults to false.
If set to true, all logging output other than error messages is suppressed. Defaults to false.
When set to true, queries sent to Elasticsearch are logged (requires logging.verbose set to true). Defaults to false.
When set to true, audit logging is enabled for security events. Defaults to false.
List of filters that determine which audit events should be excluded from the ECS audit log.
List of values matched against the event.action field of an audit event.
List of values matched against the event.category field of an audit event.
List of values matched against the event.outcome field of an audit event.
List of values matched against the kibana.space_id field of an audit event. This represents the space id in which the event took place.
List of values matched against the event.type field of an audit event.
List of values matched against the user.name field of an audit event. This represents the username associated with the audit event.

The following APM settings are supported in Kibana:

Set to false to disable the automatic creation of the APM data view when the APM app is opened. Defaults to true. This setting was called xpack.apm.autocreateApmIndexPattern in versions prior to 8.0.0.
Number of top transaction groups displayed in the APM app. Defaults to 1000.
Maximum number of unique service environments recognized by the UI. Defaults to 100.
Set to false to disable the automatic creation of the APM data view when the APM app is opened. Defaults to true. This setting is renamed to xpack.apm.autoCreateApmDataView in version 8.0.0.
Maximum number of unique transaction combinations sampled for generating service map focused on a specific service. Defaults to 100.
Maximum number of unique transaction combinations sampled for generating the global service map. Defaults to 100.
Set to false to disable service maps. Defaults to true.
Maximum number of trace IDs sampled for generating service map focused on a specific service. Defaults to 65.
Maximum number of trace IDs sampled for generating the global service map. Defaults to 6.
Maximum number of traces per request for generating the global service map. Defaults to 50.
Index name where Observability annotations are stored. Defaults to observability-annotations.
Sets a fixed_interval for date histograms in metrics aggregations. Defaults to 30.
Set to false to disable cloud APM migrations. Defaults to true.
Matcher for indices containing span documents. Defaults to apm-*.
Matcher for indices containing error documents. Defaults to apm-*.
Matcher for indices containing transaction documents. Defaults to apm-*.
Matcher for all onboarding indices. Defaults to apm-*.
Matcher for all metrics indices. Defaults to apm-*.
Matcher for all source map indices. Defaults to apm-*.
Maximum number of suggestions fetched in autocomplete selection boxes. Defaults to 100
Whether to use metric instead of transaction documents to render the UI. Available options are always, never or auto. Defaults to auto.

Maximum number of child items displayed when viewing trace details.

Defaults to 1000. Any positive value is valid. To learn more, check APM settings in Kibana.

Set to false to disable X-Pack APM UI.