
Edit Elastic Stack settings

Elastic Cloud Hosted

From the Elastic Cloud Console you can customize Elasticsearch, Kibana, and related products to suit your needs. These editors append your changes to the appropriate YAML configuration file and they affect all users of that cluster. In each editor you can:

Change how Elasticsearch runs by providing your own user settings. Elastic Cloud Hosted appends these settings to each node’s elasticsearch.yml configuration file.

Elastic Cloud Hosted automatically rejects elasticsearch.yml settings that could break your cluster.

For a list of supported settings, check Supported Elasticsearch settings.


You can also update dynamic cluster settings using Elasticsearch's update cluster settings API. However, Elastic Cloud Hosted doesn’t reject unsafe setting changes made using this API. Use it with caution.

To add or edit user settings:

  1. Log in to the Elastic Cloud Console.

  2. Find your deployment on the home page in the Hosted deployments card and select Manage to access it directly. Or, select Hosted deployments to go to the Deployments page to view all of your deployments.

    On the Deployments page you can narrow your deployments by name, ID, or choose from several other filters. To customize your view, use a combination of filters, or change the format from a grid to a list.

  3. From your deployment menu, go to the Edit page.

  4. In the Elasticsearch section, select Manage user settings and extensions.

  5. Update the user settings.

  6. Select Save changes.


In some cases, you may get a warning saying "User settings are different across Elasticsearch instances". To fix this issue, ensure that your user settings (including the comments sections and whitespaces) are identical across all Elasticsearch nodes (not only the data tiers, but also the Master, Machine Learning, and Coordinating nodes).

Elastic Cloud Hosted supports most of the standard Kibana and X-Pack settings. Through a YAML editor in the console, you can append Kibana properties to the kibana.yml file. Your changes to the configuration file are read on startup.

Be aware that some settings that could break your cluster if set incorrectly and that the syntax might change between major versions.

For a list of supported settings, check Kibana settings.

To change Kibana settings:

  1. Log in to the Elastic Cloud Console.

  2. Find your deployment on the home page in the Hosted deployments card and select Manage to access it directly. Or, select Hosted deployments to go to the Deployments page to view all of your deployments.

    On the Deployments page you can narrow your deployments by name, ID, or choose from several other filters. To customize your view, use a combination of filters, or change the format from a grid to a list.

  3. From your deployment menu, go to the Edit page.

  4. In the Kibana section, select Edit user settings. For deployments with existing user settings, you may have to expand the Edit kibana.yml caret instead.

  5. Update the user settings.

  6. Select Save changes.

Saving your changes initiates a configuration plan change that restarts Kibana automatically for you.


If a setting is not supported by Elastic Cloud Hosted, you will get an error message when you try to save.

Change how Elastic APM runs by providing your own user settings.
Check APM configuration reference for information on how to configure the Fleet-managed APM integration.