Manage users
Elastic Cloud Hosted Serverless
You can invite users to join your organization to allow them to interact with all or specific instances, projects and settings. After they're invited, you can manage the users in your organization.
Alternatively, configure Elastic Cloud SAML SSO to enable your organization members to join the Elastic Cloud organization automatically.
Users can only belong to one organization at a time. If a user that you want to invite already belongs to a different organization, that user first needs to leave their current organization, or to use a different email address. Check Join an organization from an existing Elastic Cloud account.
If you're using Elastic Cloud Hosted, then you can also manage users and control access at the deployment level.
To invite users to your organization:
Go to the user icon on the header bar and select Organization.
On the Members page, click Invite members.
Enter the email addresses of the users you want to invite in the textbox.
To add multiple members, enter the member email addresses, separated by a space.
If desired, assign roles to the users so that they automatically get the appropriate permissions when they accept the invitation and sign in to Elastic Cloud.
If you're assigning roles for Elastic Cloud Serverless projects, then you can grant access to all projects of the same type with a unique role, or select individual roles for specific projects. For more details about roles, refer to User roles and privileges.
Click Send invites.
Invitations to join an organization are sent by email. Invited users have 72 hours to accept the invitation before it expires. If the invite has expired, an admin can resend the invitation.
On the Members tab of the Organization page, you can view the list of current members, including status and role.
In the Actions column, click the three dots to edit a member’s role, or revoke an invite, or remove a member from your organization.
You can also manage members of your organization using the Elastic Cloud API.
Get information about your organization
Get information about your Elastic Cloud organization.
curl -XGET \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
Invite members to your organization
Invite members to your Elastic Cloud organization.
curl -XPOST \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
"$ORGANIZATION_ID/invitations" \
-d '
"emails": [
"" 1
- One or more email addresses to invite to the organization
View pending invitations to your organization
View pending invitations to your Elastic Cloud organization.
curl -XGET \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
View members in your organization
View members in your Elastic Cloud organization.
curl -XGET \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
Remove members from your organization
Remove members from your Elastic Cloud organization.
curl -XDELETE \
-H "Authorization: ApiKey $EC_API_KEY" \
One or more comma-delimited user ids to remove from the organization