Secure your Elastic Cloud organization
Elastic Cloud Hosted Serverless
This page is a work in progress.
TLS certificates apply security controls to network communications. They encrypt data in transit, verify the identity of connecting parties, and help prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
For your Elastic Cloud Hosted deployments and serverless projects hosted on Elastic Cloud, TLS certificates are managed automatically.
Control which systems can access your Elastic deployment through traffic filtering and network controls:
- IP traffic filtering: Restrict access based on IP addresses or CIDR ranges.
- Private link filters: Secure connectivity through AWS PrivateLink, Azure Private Link, or GCP Private Service Connect.
- Static IPs: Use static IP addresses for predictable firewall rules.
This section covered security principles and options at the environment level. You can take further measures individually for each deployment or cluster that you're running on your installation. Refer to Secure your cluster or deployment.