
Network direction processor

Calculates the network direction given a source IP address, destination IP address, and a list of internal networks.

The network direction processor reads IP addresses from [Elastic Common Schema (ECS)]Elastic Common Schema (ECS)) fields by default. If you use the ECS, only the internal_networks option must be specified.

Name Required Default Description
source_ip no source.ip Field containing the source IP address.
destination_ip no destination.ip Field containing the destination IP address.
target_field no network.direction Output field for the network direction.
internal_networks yes * List of internal networks. Supports IPv4 andIPv6 addresses and ranges in CIDR notation. Also supports the named ranges listed below. These may be constructed with template snippets. * Must specify only one of internal_networks or internal_networks_field.
internal_networks_field no A field on the given document to read the internal_networks configuration from.
ignore_missing no true If true and any required fields are missing,the processor quietly exits without modifying the document.
description no - Description of the processor. Useful for describing the purpose of the processor or its configuration.
if no - Conditionally execute the processor. See Conditionally run a processor.
ignore_failure no false Ignore failures for the processor. See Handling pipeline failures.
on_failure no - Handle failures for the processor. See Handling pipeline failures.
tag no - Identifier for the processor. Useful for debugging and metrics.

One of either internal_networks or internal_networks_field must be specified. If internal_networks_field is specified, it follows the behavior specified by ignore_missing.

The named ranges supported for the internal_networks option are:

  • loopback - Matches loopback addresses in the range of or ::1/128.
  • unicast or global_unicast - Matches global unicast addresses defined in RFC 1122, RFC 4632, and RFC 4291 with the exception of the IPv4 broadcast address ( This includes private address ranges.
  • multicast - Matches multicast addresses.
  • interface_local_multicast - Matches IPv6 interface-local multicast addresses.
  • link_local_unicast - Matches link-local unicast addresses.
  • link_local_multicast - Matches link-local multicast addresses.
  • private - Matches private address ranges defined in RFC 1918 (IPv4) and RFC 4193 (IPv6).
  • public - Matches addresses that are not loopback, unspecified, IPv4 broadcast, link local unicast, link local multicast, interface local multicast, or private.
  • unspecified - Matches unspecified addresses (either the IPv4 address "" or the IPv6 address "::").

The following example illustrates the use of the network direction processor:

 POST _ingest/pipeline/_simulate {
  "pipeline": {
    "processors": [
        "network_direction": {
          "internal_networks": ["private"]
  "docs": [
      "_source": {
        "source": {
          "ip": ""
        "destination": {
          "ip": ""

Which produces the following result:

  "docs": [
      "doc": {
        "_source": {
          "destination": {
            "ip": ""
          "source": {
            "ip": ""
          "network": {
            "direction": "inbound"