
Self-managed connectors

Elastic Stack Serverless

Naming history

Self-managed connectors were initially known as "connector clients". You might find this term in older documentation.

Self-managed Elastic connectors are run on your own infrastructure. This means they run outside of your Elastic deployment.


Self-managed connectors currently don’t support Windows. Use this compatibility matrix to check which operating systems are supported by self-managed connectors. Find this information under self-managed connectors on that page.

In order to set up, configure, and run a connector you’ll be moving between your third-party service, the Elastic UI, and your terminal. At a high-level, the workflow looks like this:

  1. Satisfy any data source prerequisites (e.g., create an OAuth application).
  2. Create a connector in the UI (or via the API).
  3. Deploy the connector service:
  4. Enter data source configuration details in the UI.

The connector service is a Python application that you must run on your own infrastructure when using self-managed connectors. The source code is hosted in the elastic/connectors repository.

You can run the connector service from source or use Docker:

These examples use the PostgreSQL connector but the basic process is the same for all self-managed connectors.

The connector framework enables you to run end-to-end (E2E) tests on your self-managed connectors, against a real data source.

To avoid tampering with a real Elasticsearch instance, E2E tests run an isolated Elasticsearch instance in Docker. Configuration values are set in your docker-compose.yml file. Docker Compose manages the setup of the development environment, including both the mock Elastic instance and mock data source.

E2E tests use default configuration values for the connector. Find instructions about testing in each connector’s documentation.

The Elastic connector framework enables you to:

  • Customize existing self-managed connectors.
  • Build your own self-managed connectors.

Refer to Build and customize connectors for more information.