
Configure deployments


This section provides details around Kibana and Elasticsearch configuration when running on ECK. For general information about how ECK applies configuration changes and the syntax to use in the YAML manifests, refer to Update your deployments.

Additionally, the following topics apply to both Elasticsearch and Kibana, and in some cases, to other applications supported by ECK:

  • Access services: Learn how to access to the orchestrated clusters and how to adapt the Kubernetes services to your needs.

  • Customize Pods: Learn how to adapt the podTemplate field to your needs.

  • Manage compute resources: Important considerations around CPU and memory requests and limits when running production workloads.

  • Recipes: Advanced use cases examples available in our GitHub repository.

  • Connect to external Elastic resources: Use custom secrets for the elasticsearchRef and kibanaRef parameters.

ECK also facilitates configuration and operation activities with advanced features, such as:

  • Elastic Stack configuration policies: Organize your Elasticsearch and Kibana configuration settings through StackConfigPolicy resources that can be referenced within your deployments. This helps to keep your manifests simplified.

Explore the Security and Users and roles sections to to learn more about how to secure and control access your deployments.