
Uninstall Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes


This page provides instructions for uninstalling Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes, including removing all Elastic resources and the Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes operator from your cluster.

To uninstall the operator:

  1. Remove all Elastic resources in all namespaces:

    kubectl get namespaces --no-headers -o custom-columns=:metadata.name \
      | xargs -n1 kubectl delete elastic --all -n

    This deletes all underlying Elastic Stack resources, including their Pods, Secrets, Services, and so on.

  2. Uninstall the operator:

    kubectl delete -f https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/2.16.1/operator.yaml
    kubectl delete -f https://download.elastic.co/downloads/eck/2.16.1/crds.yaml

Deleting CRDs will trigger deletion of all custom resources (Elasticsearch, Kibana, APM Server, Beats, Elastic Agent, Elastic Maps Server, and Logstash) in all namespaces of the cluster, regardless of whether they are managed by a single operator or multiple operators.