
Run Elasticsearch locally

Elastic Stack



The instructions on this page are for local development only. Do not use this configuration for production deployments, because it is not secure. Refer to Deployment options for a list of production deployment options.

Quickly set up Elasticsearch and Kibana in Docker for local development or testing, using the start-local script.

This setup comes with a one-month trial license that includes all Elastic features. After the trial period, the license reverts to Free and open - Basic. Refer to Elastic subscriptions for more information.

To set up Elasticsearch and Kibana locally, run the start-local script:

curl -fsSL https://elastic.co/start-local | sh

This script creates an elastic-start-local folder containing configuration files and starts both Elasticsearch and Kibana using Docker.

After running the script, you can access Elastic services at the following endpoints:

The script generates a random password for the elastic user, and an API key, stored in the .env file.


This setup is for local testing only. HTTPS is disabled, and Basic authentication is used for Elasticsearch. For security, Elasticsearch and Kibana are accessible only through localhost.

For more detailed information about the start-local setup, refer to the README on GitHub. Learn about customizing the setup, logging, and more.

Use our quick start guides to learn the basics of Elasticsearch.