
Vector layer

Elastic Stack Serverless

Vector layers display points, lines, and polygons.

vector layer

To add a vector layer to your map, click Add layer, then select one of the following:

Shaded areas to compare statistics across boundaries.
Geospatial data grouped in grids with metrics for each gridded cell. The index must contain at least one field mapped as geo_point or geo_shape.
Create index
Draw shapes on the map and index in Elasticsearch.

Points, lines, and polyons from Elasticsearch. The index must contain at least one field mapped as geo_point or geo_shape.

Results are limited to the index.max_result_window index setting, which defaults to 10000. Select the appropriate Scaling option for your use case.

  • Limit results to 10,000 The layer displays features from the first index.max_result_window documents. Results exceeding index.max_result_window are not displayed.
  • Show clusters when results exceed 10,000 When results exceed index.max_result_window, the layer uses GeoTile grid aggregation to group your documents into clusters and displays metrics for each cluster. When results are less then index.max_result_window, the layer displays features from individual documents.
  • Use vector tiles. Vector tiles partition your map into tiles. Each tile request is limited to the index.max_result_window index setting. When a tile exceeds index.max_result_window, results exceeding index.max_result_window are not contained in the tile and a dashed rectangle outlining the bounding box containing all geo values within the tile is displayed.
EMS Boundaries
Administrative boundaries from Elastic Maps Service.
ML Anomalies
Points and lines associated with anomalies. The anomaly detection job must use a lat_long function. Go to Detecting anomalous locations in geographic data for an example.
Point to point
Aggregated data paths between the source and destination. The index must contain at least 2 fields mapped as geo_point, source and destination.
Top hits per entity
The layer displays the most relevant documents per entity. The index must contain at least one field mapped as geo_point or geo_shape.
Create lines from points. The index must contain at least one field mapped as geo_point.
Upload Geojson

Index GeoJSON data in Elasticsearch.