
Decode CEF

The decode_cef processor decodes Common Event Format (CEF) messages.


This processor only works with log inputs.

In this example, the message field is decoded as CEF after it is renamed to event.original. It is best to rename message to event.original because the decoded CEF data contains its own message field.

- rename:
      - {from: "message", to: "event.original"}
- decode_cef:
    field: event.original

Elastic Agent processors execute before ingest pipelines, which means that your processor configurations cannot refer to fields that are created by ingest pipelines or Logstash. For more limitations, refer to What are some limitations of using processors?

Name Required Default Description
field No message Source field containing the CEF message to be parsed.
target_field No cef Target field where the parsed CEF object will be written.
ecs No true Whether to generate Elastic Common Schema (ECS) fields from the CEF data. Certain CEF header and extension values will be used to populate ECS fields.
timezone No UTC IANA time zone name (for example, America/New_York) or fixed time offset (for example, +0200) to use when parsing times that do not contain a time zone. Specify Local to use the machine’s local time zone.
ignore_missing No false Whether to ignore errors when the source field is missing.
ignore_failure No false Whether to ignore failures when the source field does not contain a CEF message.
id No Identifier for this processor instance. Useful for debugging.