
Elasticsearch output settings

Specify these settings to send data over a secure connection to Elasticsearch. In the Fleet Output settings, make sure that Elasticsearch output type is selected.

The Elasticsearch URLs where Elastic Agents will send data. By default, Elasticsearch is exposed on the following ports:

: Default Elasticsearch port for self-managed clusters

: Default Elasticsearch port for Elastic Cloud


* https://1d7a52f5eb344de18ea04411fe09e564.fleet.eu-west-1.aws.qa.cld.elstc.co:443
* https://[2001:db8::1]:9200

Refer to the Fleet Server documentation for default ports and other configuration details.

Elasticsearch CA trusted fingerprint
HEX encoded SHA-256 of a CA certificate. If this certificate is present in the chain during the handshake, it will be added to the certificate_authorities list and the handshake will continue normally. To learn more about trusted fingerprints, refer to the Elasticsearch security documentation.

Select a proxy URL for Elastic Agent to connect to Elasticsearch. To learn about proxy configuration, refer to Using a proxy server with Elastic Agent and Fleet.

Advanced YAML configuration
YAML settings that will be added to the Elasticsearch output section of each policy that uses this output. Make sure you specify valid YAML. The UI does not currently provide validation.

See Advanced YAML configuration for descriptions of the available settings.

Make this output the default for agent integrations
When this setting is on, Elastic Agents use this output to send data if no other output is set in the agent policy.

Make this output the default for agent monitoring
When this setting is on, Elastic Agents use this output to send agent monitoring data if no other output is set in the agent policy.

Performance tuning
Choose one of the menu options to tune your Elastic Agent performance when sending data to an Elasticsearch output. You can optimize for throughput, scale, latency, or you can choose a balanced (the default) set of performance specifications. Refer to Performance tuning settings for details about the setting values and their potential impact on performance.

You can also use the Advanced YAML configuration field to set custom values. Note that if you adjust any of the performance settings described in the following Advanced YAML configuration* section, the Performance tuning option automatically changes to Custom and cannot be changed.

Performance tuning preset values take precedence over any settings that may be defined separately. If you want to change any setting, you need to use the Custom Performance tuning option and specify the settings in the Advanced YAML configuration field.

For example, if you would like to use the balanced preset values except that you prefer a higher compression level, you can do so as follows:

1. In Fleet, open the Settings tab.
2. In the Outputs section, select Add output to create a new output, or select the edit icon to edit an existing output.
3. In the Add new output or the Edit output flyout, set *Performance tuning to Custom.
4. Refer to the list of performance tuning preset values, and add the settings you prefer into the Advanced YAML configuration field. For the balanced presets, the yaml configuration would be as shown:

yaml<br> bulk_max_size: 1600<br> worker: 1<br> queue.mem.events: 3200<br> queue.mem.flush.min_events: 1600<br> queue.mem.flush.timeout: 10s<br> compression_level: 1<br> idle_connection_timeout: 3s<br>

5. Adjust any settings as preferred. For example, you can update the compression_level setting to 4.

When you create an Elastic Agent policy using this output, the output will use the balanced preset options except with the higher compression level, as specified.
Setting Description

Allow Elastic Agent to connect and send output to an Elasticsearch instance that is running an earlier version than the agent version.

Note that this setting does not affect Elastic Agent's ability to connect to Fleet Server. Fleet Server will not accept a connection from an agent at a later major or minor version. It will accept a connection from an agent at a later patch version. For example, an Elastic Agent at version 8.14.3 can connect to a Fleet Server on version 8.14.0, but an agent at version 8.15.0 or later is not able to connect.

Default: true

(string) The number of seconds to wait before trying to reconnect to Elasticsearch after a network error. After waiting backoff.init seconds, Elastic Agent tries to reconnect. If the attempt fails, the backoff timer is increased exponentially up to backoff.max. After a successful connection, the backoff timer is reset.

Default: 1s

(string) The maximum number of seconds to wait before attempting to connect to Elasticsearch after a network error.

Default: 60s

(int) The maximum number of events to bulk in a single Elasticsearch bulk API index request.

Events can be collected into batches. Elastic Agent will split batches larger than bulk_max_size into multiple batches.

Specifying a larger batch size can improve performance by lowering the overhead of sending events. However big batch sizes can also increase processing times, which might result in API errors, killed connections, timed-out publishing requests, and, ultimately, lower throughput.

Setting bulk_max_size to values less than or equal to 0 turns off the splitting of batches. When splitting is disabled, the queue decides on the number of events to be contained in a batch.

Default: 1600

(int) The gzip compression level. Set this value to 0 to disable compression. The compression level must be in the range of 1 (best speed) to 9 (best compression).

Increasing the compression level reduces network usage but increases CPU usage.

(int) The number of times to retry publishing an event after a publishing failure. After the specified number of retries, the events are typically dropped.

Set max_retries to a value less than 0 to retry until all events are published.

Default: 3

The number of events the queue can store. This value should be evenly divisible by the smaller of queue.mem.flush.min_events or bulk_max_size to avoid sending partial batches to the output.

Default: 3200 events

flush.min_events is a legacy parameter, and new configurations should prefer to control batch size with bulk_max_size. As of 8.13, there is never a performance advantage to limiting batch size with flush.min_events instead of bulk_max_size

Default: 1600 events

(int) The maximum wait time for queue.mem.flush.min_events to be fulfilled. If set to 0s, events are available to the output immediately.

Default: 10s

(string) The HTTP request timeout in seconds for the Elasticsearch request.

Default: 90s

(int) The number of workers per configured host publishing events. Example: If you have two hosts and three workers, in total six workers are started (three for each host).

Default: 1
Configuration Balanced Optimized for Throughput Optimized for Scale Optimized for Latency
bulk_max_size 1600 1600 1600 50
worker 1 4 1 1
queue.mem.events 3200 12800 3200 4100
queue.mem.flush.min_events 1600 1600 1600 2050
queue.mem.flush.timeout 10 5 20 1
compression_level 1 1 1 1
idle_connection_timeout 3 15 1 60

For descriptions of each setting, refer to Advanced YAML configuration. For the queue.mem.events, queue.mem.flush.min_events and queue.mem.flush.timeout settings, refer to the internal queue configuration settings in the Filebeat documentation.

Balanced represents the new default setting (out of the box behaviour). Relative to Balanced, Optimized for throughput setting will improve EPS by 4 times, Optimized for Scale will perform on par and Optimized for Latency will show a 20% degredation in EPS (Events Per Second). These relative performance numbers were calculated from a performance testbed which operates in a controlled setting ingesting a large log file.

As mentioned, the custom preset allows you to input your own set of parameters for a finer tuning of performance. The following table is a summary of a few data points and how the resulting EPS compares to the Balanced setting mentioned above.

These presets apply only to agents on version 8.12.0 or later.

worker bulk_max_size queue.mem_events queue.mem.flush.min_events queue.mem.flush.timeout idle_connection_timeout Relative EPS
1 1600 3200 1600 5 15 1x
1 2048 4096 2048 5 15 1x
1 4096 8192 4096 5 15 1x
2 1600 6400 1600 5 15 2x
2 2048 8192 2048 5 15 2x
2 4096 16384 4096 5 15 2x
4 1600 12800 1600 5 15 3.6x
4 2048 16384 2048 5 15 3.6x
4 4096 32768 4096 5 15 3.6x
8 1600 25600 1600 5 15 5.3x
8 2048 32768 2048 5 15 5.1x
8 4096 65536 4096 5 15 5.2x
16 1600 51200 1600 5 15 5.3x
16 2048 65536 2048 5 15 5.2x
16 4096 131072 4096 5 15 5.3x