Elastic Agent inputs
When you configure inputs for standalone Elastic Agents, the following values are supported for the input type
Expand any section to view the available inputs:
Audit the activities of users and processes on your systems
Input | Description | Learn more |
audit/auditd |
Receives audit events from the Linux Audit Framework that is a part of the Linux kernel. | Auditd Module (Auditbeat docs) |
audit/file_integrity |
Sends events when a file is changed (created, updated, or deleted) on disk. The events contain file metadata and hashes. | File Integrity Module (Auditbeat docs) |
audit/system |
[beta] Collects various security related information about a system. All datasets send both periodic state information (e.g. all currently running processes) and real-time changes (e.g. when a new process starts or stops). | System Module (Auditbeat docs) |
Collect metrics from operating systems and services running on your servers
| Input | Description | Learn more |
| --- | --- | --- |
| activemq/metrics
| Periodically fetches JMX metrics from Apache ActiveMQ. | ActiveMQ module (Metricbeat docs) |
| apache/metrics
| Periodically fetches metrics from Apache HTTPD servers. | Apache module (Metricbeat docs) |
| aws/metrics
| Periodically fetches monitoring metrics from AWS CloudWatch using GetMetricData API for AWS services. | AWS module (Metricbeat docs) |
| awsfargate/metrics
| [beta] Retrieves various metadata, network metrics, and Docker stats about tasks and containers. | AWS Fargate module (Metricbeat docs) |
| azure/metrics
| Collects and aggregates Azure logs and metrics from a variety of sources into a common data platform where it can be used for analysis, visualization, and alerting. | Azure module (Metricbeat docs) |
| beat/metrics
| Collects metrics about any Beat or other software based on libbeat. | Beat module (Metricbeat docs) |
| cloudfoundry/metrics
| Connects to Cloud Foundry loggregator to gather container, counter, and value metrics into a common data platform where it can be used for analysis, visualization, and alerting. | Cloudfoundry module (Metricbeat docs) |
| containerd/metrics
| [beta] Collects cpu, memory and blkio statistics about running containers controlled by containerd runtime. | Containerd module (Metricbeat docs) |
| docker/metrics
| Fetches metrics from Docker containers. | Docker module (Metricbeat docs) |
| elasticsearch/metrics
| Collects metrics about Elasticsearch. | Elasticsearch module (Metricbeat docs) |
| etcd/metrics
| This module targets Etcd V2 and V3. When using V2, metrics are collected using Etcd v2 API. When using V3, metrics are retrieved from the /metrics`` endpoint as intended for [Etcd v3](https://coreos.com/etcd/docs/latest/metrics.md). | [Etcd module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-etcd.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
gcp/metrics| Periodically fetches monitoring metrics from Google Cloud Platform using [Stackdriver Monitoring API](https://cloud.google.com/monitoring/api/metrics_gcp) for Google Cloud Platform services. | [Google Cloud Platform module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-gcp.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
haproxy/metrics| Collects stats from [HAProxy](http://www.haproxy.org/). It supports collection from TCP sockets, UNIX sockets, or HTTP with or without basic authentication. | [HAProxy module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-overview.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
http/metrics| Used to call arbitrary HTTP endpoints for which a dedicated Metricbeat module is not available. | [HTTP module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-http.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
iis/metrics| Periodically retrieve IIS web server related metrics. | [IIS module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-iis.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
jolokia/metrics| Collects metrics from [Jolokia agents](https://jolokia.org/reference/html/agents.md) running on a target JMX server or dedicated proxy server. | [Jolokia module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-jolokia.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
kafka/metrics| Collects metrics from the [Apache Kafka](https://kafka.apache.org/intro) event streaming platform. | [Kafka module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-kafka.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
kibana/metrics| Collects metrics about {{Kibana}}. | [{{kib}} module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-kibana.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
kubernetes/metrics| As one of the main pieces provided for Kubernetes monitoring, this module is capable of fetching metrics from several components. | [Kubernetes module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-kubernetes.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
linux/metrics| [beta] Reports on metrics exclusive to the Linux kernel and GNU/Linux OS. | [Linux module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-linux.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
logstash/metrics| collects metrics about {{ls}}. | [{{ls}} module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-logstash.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
memcached/metrics| Collects metrics about the [memcached](https://memcached.org/) memory object caching system. | [Memcached module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-memcached.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
mongodb/metrics| Periodically fetches metrics from [MongoDB](https://www.mongodb.com/) servers. | [MongoDB module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-mongodb.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
mssql/metrics| The [Microsoft SQL 2017](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/sql-server/sql-server-2017) Metricbeat module. It is still under active development to add new Metricsets and introduce enhancements. | [MSSQL module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-mssql.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
mysql/metrics| Periodically fetches metrics from [MySQL](https://www.mysql.com/) servers. | [MySQL module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-mysql.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
nats/metrics| Uses the [Nats monitoring server APIs](https://nats.io/documentation/managing_the_server/monitoring/) to collect metrics. | [NATS module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-nats.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
nginx/metrics| Periodically fetches metrics from [Nginx](https://nginx.org/) servers. | [Nginx module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-nginx.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
oracle/metrics| The [Oracle](https://www.oracle.com/) module for Metricbeat. It is under active development with feedback from the community. A single Metricset for Tablespace monitoring is added so the community can start gathering metrics from their nodes and contributing to the module. | [Oracle module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-oracle.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
postgresql/metrics| Periodically fetches metrics from [PostgreSQL](https://www.postgresql.org/) servers. | [PostgresSQL module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-postgresql.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
prometheus/metrics| Periodically scrapes metrics from [Prometheus exporters](https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/exporters/). | [Prometheus module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-prometheus.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
rabbitmq/metrics| Uses the [HTTP API](http://www.rabbitmq.com/management.md) created by the management plugin to collect RabbitMQ metrics. | [RabbitMQ module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-rabbitmq.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
redis/metrics| Periodically fetches metrics from [Redis](http://redis.io/) servers. | [Redis module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-redis.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
sql/metrics| Allows you to execute custom queries against an SQL database and store the results in {{es}}. | [SQL module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-sql.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
stan/metrics| Uses [STAN monitoring server APIs](https://github.com/nats-io/nats-streaming-server/blob/master/server/monitor.go) to collect metrics. | [Stan module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-stan.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
statsd/metrics| Spawns a UDP server and listens for metrics in StatsD compatible format. | [Statsd module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-statsd.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
syncgateway/metrics| [beta] Monitor a Sync Gateway instance by using its REST API. | [SyncGateway module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-syncgateway.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
system/metrics| Allows you to monitor your server metrics, including CPU, load, memory, network, processes, sockets, filesystem, fsstat, uptime, and more. | [System module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-system.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
traefik/metrics| Periodically fetches metrics from a [Traefik](https://traefik.io/) instance. | [Traefik module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-traefik.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
uwsgi/metrics| By default, collects the uWSGI stats metricset, using [StatsServer](https://uwsgi-docs.readthedocs.io/en/latest/StatsServer.md). | [uWSGI module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-uwsgi.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
vsphere/metrics| Uses the [Govmomi](https://github.com/vmware/govmomi) library to collect metrics from any Vmware SDK URL (ESXi/VCenter). | [vSphere module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-vsphere.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
windows/metrics| Collects metrics from Windows systems. | [Windows module](asciidocalypse://docs/beats/docs/reference/metricbeat/metricbeat-module-windows.md) ({{metricbeat}} docs) | |
zookeeper/metrics` | Fetches statistics from the ZooKeeper service. | ZooKeeper module (Metricbeat docs) |
Forward and centralize log data
Input | Description | Learn more |
aws-cloudwatch |
Stores log filesfrom Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud(EC2), AWS CloudTrail, Route53, and other sources. | AWS CloudWatch input (Filebeat docs) |
aws-s3 |
Retrieves logs from S3 objects that are pointed to by S3 notification events read from an SQS queue or directly polling list of S3 objects in an S3 bucket. | AWS S3 input (Filebeat docs) |
azure-blob-storage |
Reads content from files stored in containers which reside on your Azure Cloud. | Azure Blob Storage (Filebeat docs) |
azure-eventhub |
Reads messages from an azure eventhub. | Azure eventhub input (Filebeat docs) |
cel |
Reads messages from a file path or HTTP API with a variety of payloads using the Common Expression Language (CEL) and the mito CEL extension libraries. | Common Expression Language input (Filebeat docs) |
cloudfoundry |
Gets HTTP access logs, container logs and error logs from Cloud Foundry. | Cloud Foundry input (Filebeat docs) |
cometd |
Streams the real-time events from a Salesforce generic subscription Push Topic. | CometD input (Filebeat docs) |
container |
Reads containers log files. | Container input (Filebeat docs) |
docker |
Alias for container . |
- |
log/docker |
Alias for container . |
n/a |
entity-analytics |
Collects identity assets, such as users, from external identity providers. | Entity Analytics input (Filebeat docs) |
event/file |
Alias for log . |
n/a |
event/tcp |
Alias for tcp . |
n/a |
filestream |
Reads lines from active log files. Replaces and imporoves on the log input. |
filestream input (Filebeat docs) |
gcp-pubsub |
Reads messages from a Google Cloud Pub/Sub topic subscription. | GCP Pub/Sub input (Filebeat docs) |
gcs |
[beta] Reads content from files stored in buckets which reside on your Google Cloud. | Google Cloud Storage input (Filebeat docs) |
http_endpoint |
[beta] Initializes a listening HTTP server that collects incoming HTTP POST requests containing a JSON body. | HTTP Endpoint input (Filebeat docs) |
httpjson |
Read messages from an HTTP API with JSON payloads. | HTTP JSON input (Filebeat docs) |
journald |
[beta] A system service that collects and stores logging data. | Journald input (Filebeat docs) |
kafka |
Reads from topics in a Kafka cluster. | Kafka input (Filebeat docs) |
log |
DEPRECATED: Please use the filestream input instead. |
n/a |
logfile |
Alias for log . |
n/a |
log/redis_slowlog |
Alias for redis . |
n/a |
log/syslog |
Alias for syslog . |
n/a |
mqtt |
Reads data transmitted using lightweight messaging protocol for small and mobile devices, optimized for high-latency or unreliable networks. | MQTT input (Filebeat docs) |
netflow |
Reads NetFlow and IPFIX exported flows and options records over UDP. | NetFlow input (Filebeat docs) |
o365audit |
[beta] Retrieves audit messages from Office 365 and Azure AD activity logs. | Office 365 Management Activity API input (Filebeat docs) |
osquery |
Collects and decodes the result logs written by osqueryd in the JSON format. | - |
redis |
[beta] Reads entries from Redis slowlogs. | Redis input (Filebeat docs) |
syslog |
Reads Syslog events as specified by RFC 3164 and RFC 5424, over TCP, UDP, or a Unix stream socket. | Syslog input (Filebeat docs) |
tcp |
Reads events over TCP. | TCP input (Filebeat docs) |
udp |
Reads events over UDP. | UDP input (Filebeat docs) |
unix |
[beta] Reads events over a stream-oriented Unix domain socket. | Unix input (Filebeat docs) |
winlog |
Reads from one or more event logs using Windows APIs, filters the events based on user-configured criteria, then sends the event data to the configured outputs (Elasticsearch or Logstash). | Winlogbeat Overview (Winlogbeat docs) |
Monitor the status of your services
Input | Description | Learn more |
synthetics/http |
Connect via HTTP and optionally verify that the host returns the expected response. | HTTP options (Heartbeat docs) |
synthetics/icmp |
Use ICMP (v4 and v6) Echo Requests to check the configured hosts. | ICMP options (Heartbeat docs) |
synthetics/tcp |
Connect via TCP and optionally verify the endpoint by sending and/or receiving a custom payload. | TCP options (Heartbeat docs) |
View network traffic between the servers of your network
Input | Description | Learn more |
packet |
Sniffs the traffic between your servers, parses the application-level protocols on the fly, and correlates the messages into transactions. | Packetbeat overview (Packetbeat docs) |