
Install the add-on

Elastic Cloud Hosted

These steps walk you through installing the Elasticsearch Add-on for Heroku from the Heroku CLI. You can either install the latest default version of the add-on or you can install a specific version and include plugins at the same time.

The installation steps in this section assume that you have a basic working knowledge of the Heroku CLI and are familiar with using the command line. To work with the Elasticsearch Add-on for Heroku from the command line, you need to have the Heroku CLI already installed.

If you prefer to install the add-on through your web browser, go to the Elasticsearch add-on page in the Elements Marketplace, select Install Elasticsearch, pick the add-on plan you want, and select Provision add-on.

To install the latest add-on for MY_APP using the Heroku CLI:

heroku addons:create foundelasticsearch --app MY_APP

After the Elasticsearch Add-on for Heroku gets added, you can find the canonical URL you use to access your newly provisioned cluster in the configuration for the app. Look for the FOUNDELASTICSEARCH_URL setting when you grep on the output of the heroku config command:

heroku config --app MY_APP | grep FOUNDELASTICSEARCH_URL
FOUNDELASTICSEARCH_URL: https://74f176887fdef36bb51e6e37nnnnnnnn.us-east-1.aws.found.io

If you want your add-on to run a specific version of Elasticsearch, use the --elasticsearch-version parameter. We also provide many of the plugins that are available for Elasticsearch. You use the --plugins parameter to specify a comma-separated list of plugins that you want installed.

To find which Elasticsearch versions and plugins are currently available, you can omit the version to default to the latest one and add plugins later on from the Elasticsearch Add-on for Heroku console. To use your own custom plugins, you can upload and select these plugins in the console as well.

For example: Install the add-on version 9.0.0 and include the phonetic analysis plugin for MY_APP:

heroku addons:create foundelasticsearch --elasticsearch-version 9.0.0 --plugins analysis-phonetic --app MY_APP

After the add-on gets added, you can perform future version upgrades and plugin changes through the console.

To learn how to remove the add-on, refer to Remove the add-on.