
Work with Elasticsearch

Elastic Cloud Hosted

You can interact with Elasticsearch from the command line, or programmatically by sending requests to your Elasticsearch endpoint.


If you are looking for a user interface for Elasticsearch and your data, go to Kibana(/deploy-manage/deploy/elastic-cloud/access-kibana.md).

To find out what the ELASTICSEARCH_URL is for your Elasticsearch cluster, grep on the output of the heroku config command for your app:

heroku config --app MY_APP | grep ELASTICSEARCH_URL
ELASTICSEARCH_URL: https://74f176887fdef36bb51e6e37nnnnnnnn.us-east-1.aws.found.io

When you know your Elasticsearch URL, you can interact with the Elasticsearch endpoint using tools like curl.

To index a document into Elasticsearch, POST your document:

curl -u USER:PASSWORD https://ELASTICSEARCH_URL/my_index/_doc -XPOST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d '{
    "title": "One", "tags": ["ruby"]

To show that the operation worked, Elasticsearch returns a JSON response that looks like {"_index":"my_index","_type":"_doc","_id":"0KNPhW4BnhCSymaq_3SI","_version":1,"result":"created","_shards":{"total":2,"successful":2,"failed":0},"_seq_no":0,"_primary_term":1}.

In this example, the index my_index is created dynamically when the first document is inserted into it. All documents in Elasticsearch have a type and an id, which is echoed as "_type":"_doc" and _id":"0KNPhW4BnhCSymaq_3SI in the JSON response. If no ID is specified during indexing, a random id is generated.


These examples use the elastic user. If you didn’t copy down the password for the elastic user, you can reset the password.

For more examples, refer to the document APIs. You can also use clients to interact with these APIs.

To learn more about working with data in Elasticsearch, refer to Manage data.