Increase the disk capacity of data nodes
In order to increase the disk capacity of the data nodes in your cluster:
Log in to the Elastic Cloud console.
On the Hosted deployments panel, click the gear under the
Manage deployment
column that corresponds to the name of your deployment.If autoscaling is available but not enabled, please enable it. You can do this by clicking the button
Enable autoscaling
on a banner like the one below:
Or you can go to Actions > Edit deployment
, check the checkbox Autoscale
and click save
at the bottom of the page.
If autoscaling has succeeded the cluster should return to
status. If the cluster is still out of disk, please check if autoscaling has reached its limits. You will be notified about this by the following banner:
or you can go to Actions > Edit deployment
and look for the label LIMIT REACHED
as shown below:
If you are seeing the banner click Update autoscaling settings
to go to the Edit
page. Otherwise, you are already in the Edit
page, click Edit settings
to increase the autoscaling limits. After you perform the change click save
at the bottom of the page.
In order to increase the data node capacity in your cluster, you will need to calculate the amount of extra disk space needed.
First, retrieve the relevant disk thresholds that will indicate how much space should be available. The relevant thresholds are the high watermark for all the tiers apart from the frozen one and the frozen flood stage watermark for the frozen tier. The following example demonstrates disk shortage in the hot tier, so we will only retrieve the high watermark:
GET _cluster/settings?include_defaults&filter_path=*.cluster.routing.allocation.disk.watermark.high*
The response will look like this:
{ "defaults": { "cluster": { "routing": { "allocation": { "disk": { "watermark": { "high": "90%", "high.max_headroom": "150GB" } } } } } } }
The above means that in order to resolve the disk shortage we need to either drop our disk usage below the 90% or have more than 150GB available, read more on how this threshold works here.
The next step is to find out the current disk usage, this will indicate how much extra space is needed. For simplicity, our example has one node, but you can apply the same for every node over the relevant threshold.
GET _cat/allocation?v&s=disk.avail&h=node,disk.percent,disk.avail,,disk.used,disk.indices,shards
The response will look like this:
node disk.percent disk.avail disk.used disk.indices shards instance-0000000000 91 4.6gb 35gb 31.1gb 29.9gb 111
The high watermark configuration indicates that the disk usage needs to drop below 90%. To achieve this, 2 things are possible:
- to add an extra data node to the cluster (this requires that you have more than one shard in your cluster), or
- to extend the disk space of the current node by approximately 20% to allow this node to drop to 70%. This will give enough space to this node to not run out of space soon.
In the case of adding another data node, the cluster will not recover immediately. It might take some time to relocate some shards to the new node. You can check the progress here:
GET /_cat/shards?v&h=state,node&s=state
If in the response the shards' state is
, it means that shards are still moving. Wait until all shards turn toSTARTED
or until the health disk indicator turns togreen