
Troubleshoot transforms

Use the information in this section to troubleshoot common problems.

For issues that you cannot fix yourself … we’re here to help. If you are an existing Elastic customer with a support contract, please create a ticket in the Elastic Support portal. Or post in the Elastic forum.

If you encounter problems with your transforms, you can gather more information from the following files and APIs:

  • Lightweight audit messages are stored in .transform-notifications-read. Search by your transform_id.
  • The get transform statistics API provides information about the transform status and failures.
  • If the transform exists as a task, you can use the task management API to gather task information. For example: GET _tasks?actions=data_frame/transforms*&detailed. Typically, the task exists when the transform is in a started or failed state.
  • The Elasticsearch logs from the node that was running the transform might also contain useful information. You can identify the node from the notification messages. Alternatively, if the task still exists, you can get that information from the get transform statistics API. For more information, see Elasticsearch application logging.