
Troubleshoot APM Node.js Agent

Is something not working as expected? Don’t worry if you can’t figure out what the problem is; we’re here to help! As a first step, ensure your app is compatible with the agent’s supported technologies.

If you’re an existing Elastic customer with a support contract, please create a ticket in the Elastic Support portal. Other users can post in the APM discuss forum.


Please upload your complete debug logs to a service like GitHub Gist so that we can analyze the problem. Logs should include everything from when the application starts up until the first request executes. See Debug mode for more information.

The Elastic Node.js APM Agent is updated frequently and releases are not strongly tied to other components in the Elastic Stack. Therefore, updating to the most recently released agent version is often the recommended first troubleshooting step.

See upgrading documentation for more details.

To capture enough information for troubleshooting, perform these steps:

  1. Start your app with "trace"-level logging. This can be done by setting the environment variable ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL=trace or adding logLevel: 'trace' to the apm.start(options) call (see logLevel for details).
  2. Disable a possible custom logger config, because a custom logger can result in structured log data being lost. This can be done by setting the environment variable ELASTIC_APM_LOGGER=false.
  3. Send a few HTTP requests to some of the app endpoints and/or reproduce the issue you are seeing.
  4. Wait at least 10 seconds to allow the agent to try and connect to the APM Server (controlled by apiRequestTime).

For example:

ELASTIC_APM_LOG_LEVEL=trace ELASTIC_APM_LOGGER=false node app.js | tee -a apm-debug.log

If you are capturing debugging output for Elastic support, for help on the Elastic forums, or for a GitHub issue, please upload the complete debug output to a service like GitHub Gist so that we can analyze the problem.

If there is no data for your service in the Kibana APM app, check the log output for messages like the following.

The most common source of problems are connection issues between the agent and the APM server. Look for a log message of the form APM Server transport error .... For example:

APM Server transport error (ECONNREFUSED): connect ECONNREFUSED

These may indicate an issue with the agent configuration (see serverUrl, secretToken or apiKey), a network problem between agent and server, or that the APM server is down or misconfigured (see the APM server troubleshooting docs).

Also look for error messages starting with Elastic APM .... Some examples:

Elastic APM agent disabled (`active` is false)

This indicates that you have likely set the active option or the ELASTIC_APM_ACTIVE environment variable to false. See the active configuration variable docs.

Elastic APM is incorrectly configured: serverUrl "..." contains an invalid port! (allowed: 1-65535)

Errors get tracked just fine, but you don’t see any performance metrics or trace data.

Make sure that the agent is both required and started at the very top of your main app file (usually the index.js, server.js or app.js file). It’s important that the agent is started before any other modules are required. If not, the agent will not be able to hook into any modules and will not be able to measure the performance of your application. See Start gotchas for a number of possible surprises in correctly starting the APM agent when used with some compilers or bundlers.

In the unlikely event the agent causes disruptions to a production application, you can disable the agent while you troubleshoot.

To disable the agent, set active to false. You’ll need to restart your application for the changes to apply.