Prepare your environment
These prerequisites are critical to establish a supported ECE configuration. Using unsupported combinations can cause a number of either intermediate or potentially permanent issues with your ECE environment, such as failures to create system deployments, failures to upgrade workload deployments, proxy timeouts, data loss, and more. If upgrading ECE, read upgrade your installation for guidance.
To prepare your hosts for their ECE installation, the following prerequisites must be met:
- Hardware prerequisites
- Software prerequisites
- Networking prerequisites
- Users and permissions prerequisites
To prepare your hosts for ECE installation, the following best practices are recommended and should be considered:
- High availability - For production and mission-critical systems, high availability must be considered
- Separation of roles - To group components on ECE and prevent conflicting workloads, consider role separation
- Load balancers - Using a load balancer is strongly recommended
- JVM heap sizes - Configure the proper JVM heap size based on your use cases
- Wildcard DNS record - Configure your own wildcard DNS record for production systems
- Manage installation capacity - Configure your memory, CPU quotas, processors and storage properly