
Apply ECK configuration settings


This page explains the various methods for configuring and applying ECK settings.


For a detailed list and description of all available settings in ECK, refer to ECK configuration flags.

By default, the ECK installation includes a ConfigMap with an eck.yaml key where you can add, remove, or update configuration settings. This ConfigMap is mounted into the operator’s container as a file, and provided to the application through the --config flag.

To configure ECK settings, follow the instructions in the next sections depending on whether you installed ECK through the Helm chart or the YAML manifests.

If you installed ECK through the Helm chart commands listed in Install using a Helm chart, add your configuration parameters under the config key in your values file, or set them inline using the equivalent --set config.<setting-name>=<value> flags when updating or installing the release.

For example, to add the ca-cert-validity setting with a value of 43800h, you can use any of the following methods:

Create a values file with the following content:

  ca-cert-validity: 43800h

Then, update the installed release pointing to the values file:

helm upgrade elastic-operator elastic/eck-operator -f my-values-file.yaml -n elastic-system
helm upgrade elastic-operator elastic/eck-operator --set config.ca-cert-validity=43800h -n elastic-system

If you installed ECK using the manifests and the commands listed in Deploy ECK, you can configure it by editing the eck.yaml key of the elastic-operator ConfigMap. Add, remove or update any configuration setting there and the operator will restart automatically to apply the new changes unless the --disable-config-watch flag is set.

You can update the ConfigMap directly using the command kubectl edit configmap elastic-operator -n elastic-operator or modify the installation manifests and reapply them with kubectl apply -f <your-manifest-file.yaml>.

The following shows the default elastic-operator ConfigMap, for reference purposes. Refer to ECK configuration flags for a complete list of available settings.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: elastic-operator
  namespace: elastic-system
  eck.yaml: |-
    log-verbosity: 0
    metrics-port: 0
    container-registry: docker.elastic.co
    max-concurrent-reconciles: 3
    ca-cert-validity: 8760h
    ca-cert-rotate-before: 24h
    cert-validity: 8760h
    cert-rotate-before: 24h
    disable-config-watch: false
    exposed-node-labels: [topology.kubernetes.io/.*,failure-domain.beta.kubernetes.io/.*]
    set-default-security-context: auto-detect
    kube-client-timeout: 60s
    elasticsearch-client-timeout: 180s
    disable-telemetry: false
    distribution-channel: all-in-one
    validate-storage-class: true
    enable-webhook: true
    webhook-name: elastic-webhook.k8s.elastic.co
    webhook-port: 9443
    operator-namespace: elastic-system
    enable-leader-election: true
    elasticsearch-observation-interval: 10s
    ubi-only: false

Alternatively, you can edit the elastic-operator StatefulSet and add flags to the args section of the operator container — which will trigger an automatic restart of the operator pod by the StatefulSet controller.

If you use Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) to install and run ECK, follow these steps to configure the operator:

  • Create a new ConfigMap in the same namespace as the operator. It should contain a key named eck.yaml pointing to the desired configuration values.

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      name: elastic-operator
      namespace: openshift-operators
      eck.yaml: |-
        log-verbosity: 0
        metrics-port: 6060
        container-registry: docker.elastic.co
        max-concurrent-reconciles: 3
        ca-cert-validity: 8760h
        ca-cert-rotate-before: 24h
        cert-validity: 8760h
        cert-rotate-before: 24h
  • Update your Subscription to mount the ConfigMap under /conf.

    apiVersion: operators.coreos.com/v1alpha1
    kind: Subscription
      name: elastic-cloud-eck
      namespace: openshift-operators
      channel: stable
      installPlanApproval: Automatic
      name: elastic-cloud-eck
      source: elastic-operators
      sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
      startingCSV: elastic-cloud-eck.v{{eck_version}}
          - name: config
              name: elastic-operator
          - name: config
            mountPath: /conf
            readOnly: true

ECK can be configured using either command-line flags, environment variables or a file containing the operator configuration, pointed by --config flag.


For most use cases, Elastic recommends configuring ECK through the elastic-operator ConfigMap, which is included by default in all installation methods.

This section provides a low-level overview of alternative configuration methods, primarily intended for developers or advanced users who might need to start the operator binary manually or adjust its configuration without modifying the ConfigMap. The implementation of these methods through Kubernetes manifests is out of the scope of this document.

To pass configuration options as environment variables, convert the flag name to upper case and replace any dashes (-) with underscores (_). For example, the log-verbosity flag can be set by an environment variable named LOG_VERBOSITY.

If you use a combination of all or some of the these methods, the descending order of precedence in case of a conflict is as follows:

  • Flag
  • Environment variable
  • File

If you have a large number of configuration options to specify, use the --config flag to point to a file containing those options. For example, assume you have a file named eck-config.yaml with the following content:

log-verbosity: 2
metrics-port: 6060
namespaces: [ns1, ns2, ns3]

The operator can be started using any of the following methods to achieve the same end result:

./elastic-operator manager --config=eck-config.yaml
./elastic-operator manager --log-verbosity=2 --metrics-port=6060 --namespaces=ns1,ns2,ns3
LOG_VERBOSITY=2 METRICS_PORT=6060 NAMESPACES="ns1,ns2,ns3" ./elastic-operator manager