Defining roles
ECE ECK Elastic Cloud Hosted Self Managed
If built-in roles do not address your use case, then you can create additional custom roles.
In this section, you'll learn about the data structure of a role, and about the methods for defining and managing custom roles.
You can also implement custom roles providers. If you need to integrate with another system to retrieve user roles, you can build a custom roles provider plugin. For more information, see Authorization plugins.
After you create your custom roles, you can learn how to assign them to users.
Custom roles follow a strict data structure. If you're working with custom roles using the role management API or role files, then you need to understand and follow the structure when parsing role information or making changes.
Learn about the data structure of a role and its entries.
You don't need to use this structure when interacting with roles using the role management UI.
You can manage custom roles using the following methods:
- Using the Kibana role management UI
- Using role management APIs
- Using local files.
When you use the UI or APIs to manage roles, the roles are stored in an internal Elasticsearch index. When you use local files, the roles are only stored in those files.
You can manage users and roles easily in Kibana.
To manage roles, log in to Kibana and go to Management > Security > Roles.
Learn more about using the role management UI.
The Role Management APIs enable you to add, update, remove and retrieve roles dynamically. For more information and examples, see Roles.
ECK Self Managed
Roles can also be defined in local roles.yml
file. This is a YAML file where each role definition is keyed by its name.
If the same role name is used in the roles.yml
file and through role management APIs, the role found in the file will be used.
While role management APIs and the role management UI are the preferred mechanism to define roles, using the roles.yml
file becomes useful if you want to define fixed roles that no one, beside an administrator having access to the Elasticsearch nodes or Kubernetes cluster, would be able to change. However, the roles.yml
file is provided as a minimal administrative function and is not intended to cover and be used to define roles for all use cases.
You can't view, edit, or remove any roles that are defined in roles.yml
by using the role management UI or the role management APIs.
The following snippet shows an example of the roles.yml
file configuration, specifying one role named click_admins
run_as: [ 'clicks_watcher_1' ]
cluster: [ 'monitor' ]
- names: [ 'events-*' ]
privileges: [ 'read' ]
grant: ['category', '@timestamp', 'message' ]
query: '{"match": {"category": "click"}}'
To configure file-based role management:
Place the roles.yml
file in ES_PATH_CONF
. Elasticsearch continuously monitors the roles.yml
file and automatically picks up and applies any changes to it.
The roles.yml
file is managed locally by the node and is not globally by the cluster. This means that with a typical multi-node cluster, the exact same changes need to be applied on each and every node in the cluster.
A safer approach would be to apply the change on one of the nodes and have the roles.yml
distributed/copied to all other nodes in the cluster (either manually or using a configuration management system such as Puppet or Chef).
You can set up file-based role management in Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes by referencing Kubernetes secrets containing the roles specification.
kind: Elasticsearch
name: elasticsearch-sample
version: 8.16.1
- secretName: my-roles-secret-1
- secretName: my-roles-secret-2
- name: default
count: 1
Several secrets can be referenced in the Elasticsearch specification. ECK aggregates their content into a single secret, mounted in every Elasticsearch Pod.
Each secret must have a roles.yml
entry, containing the roles definition.
If you specify multiple roles with the same name in more than one secret, the last one takes precedence.
The following Secret applies the same roles.yml
configuration, specifying one role named click_admins
kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
name: my-roles-secret
roles.yml: |-
run_as: [ 'clicks_watcher_1' ]
cluster: [ 'monitor' ]
- names: [ 'events-*' ]
privileges: [ 'read' ]
grant: ['category', '@timestamp', 'message' ]
query: '{"match": {"category": "click"}}'