
kuromoji_part_of_speech token filter

The kuromoji_part_of_speech token filter removes tokens that match a set of part-of-speech tags. It accepts the following setting:

An array of part-of-speech tags that should be removed. It defaults to the stoptags.txt file embedded in the lucene-analyzer-kuromoji.jar.

For example:

 PUT kuromoji_sample {
  "settings": {
    "index": {
      "analysis": {
        "analyzer": {
          "my_analyzer": {
            "tokenizer": "kuromoji_tokenizer",
            "filter": [
        "filter": {
          "my_posfilter": {
            "type": "kuromoji_part_of_speech",
            "stoptags": [

GET kuromoji_sample/_analyze
  "analyzer": "my_analyzer",
  "text": "寿司がおいしいね"

Which responds with:

  "tokens" : [ {
    "token" : "寿司",
    "start_offset" : 0,
    "end_offset" : 2,
    "type" : "word",
    "position" : 0
  }, {
    "token" : "おいしい",
    "start_offset" : 3,
    "end_offset" : 7,
    "type" : "word",
    "position" : 2
  } ]