
Operators: Numeric

Post Increment

Use the post increment operator '++' to INCREASE the value of a numeric type variable/field by 1. An extra implicit cast is necessary to return the promoted numeric type value to the original numeric type value of the variable/field for the following types: byte, short, and char. If a variable/field is read as part of an expression the value is loaded prior to the increment.


  • If the variable/field is a non-numeric type.


post_increment: ( variable | field ) '++';


original promoted implicit
byte int byte
short int short
char int char
int int
long long
float float
double double
def def


  • Post increment with different numeric types.

    short i = 0; 1
    i++;         2
    long j = 1;  3
    long k;      4
    k = j++;     5
    1. declare short i; store short 0 to i
    2. load from ishort 0; promote short 0: result int; add int 0 and int 1int 1; implicit cast int 1 to short 1; store short 1 to i
    3. declare long j; implicit cast int 1 to long 1long 1; store long 1 to j
    4. declare long k; store default long 0 to k
    5. load from jlong 1; store long 1 to k; add long 1 and long 1long 2; store long 2 to j
  • Post increment with the def type.

    def x = 1; 1
    x++;       2
    1. declare def x; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def to x
    2. load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 1; add int 1 and int 1int 2; implicit cast int 2 to def; store def to x

Post Decrement

Use the post decrement operator '--' to DECREASE the value of a numeric type variable/field by 1. An extra implicit cast is necessary to return the promoted numeric type value to the original numeric type value of the variable/field for the following types: byte, short, and char. If a variable/field is read as part of an expression the value is loaded prior to the decrement.


  • If the variable/field is a non-numeric type.


post_decrement: ( variable | field ) '--';


original promoted implicit
byte int byte
short int short
char int char
int int
long long
float float
double double
def def


  • Post decrement with different numeric types.

    short i = 0; 1
    i--;         2
    long j = 1;  3
    long k;      4
    k = j--;     5
    1. declare short i; store short 0 to i
    2. load from ishort 0; promote short 0: result int; subtract int 1 from int 0int -1; implicit cast int -1 to short -1; store short -1 to i
    3. declare long j; implicit cast int 1 to long 1long 1; store long 1 to j
    4. declare long k; store default long 0 to k
    5. load from jlong 1; store long 1 to k; subtract long 1 from long 1long 0; store long 0 to j
  • Post decrement with the def type.

    def x = 1; 1
    x--;       2
    1. declare def x; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def to x
    2. load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 1; subtract int 1 from int 1int 0; implicit cast int 0 to def; store def to x

Use the pre increment operator '++' to INCREASE the value of a numeric type variable/field by 1. An extra implicit cast is necessary to return the promoted numeric type value to the original numeric type value of the variable/field for the following types: byte, short, and char. If a variable/field is read as part of an expression the value is loaded after the increment.


  • If the variable/field is a non-numeric type.


pre_increment: '++' ( variable | field );


original promoted implicit
byte int byte
short int short
char int char
int int
long long
float float
double double
def def


  • Pre increment with different numeric types.

    short i = 0; 1
    ++i;         2
    long j = 1;  3
    long k;      4
    k = ++j;     5
    1. declare short i; store short 0 to i
    2. load from ishort 0; promote short 0: result int; add int 0 and int 1int 1; implicit cast int 1 to short 1; store short 1 to i
    3. declare long j; implicit cast int 1 to long 1long 1; store long 1 to j
    4. declare long k; store default long 0 to k
    5. load from jlong 1; add long 1 and long 1long 2; store long 2 to j; store long 2 to k
  • Pre increment with the def type.

    def x = 1; 1
    ++x;       2
    1. declare def x; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def to x
    2. load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 1; add int 1 and int 1int 2; implicit cast int 2 to def; store def to x

Use the pre decrement operator '--' to DECREASE the value of a numeric type variable/field by 1. An extra implicit cast is necessary to return the promoted numeric type value to the original numeric type value of the variable/field for the following types: byte, short, and char. If a variable/field is read as part of an expression the value is loaded after the decrement.


  • If the variable/field is a non-numeric type.


pre_decrement: '--' ( variable | field );


original promoted implicit
byte int byte
short int short
char int char
int int
long long
float float
double double
def def


  • Pre decrement with different numeric types.

    short i = 0; 1
    --i;         2
    long j = 1;  3
    long k;      4
    k = --j;     5
    1. declare short i; store short 0 to i
    2. load from ishort 0; promote short 0: result int; subtract int 1 from int 0int -1; implicit cast int -1 to short -1; store short -1 to i
    3. declare long j; implicit cast int 1 to long 1long 1; store long 1 to j
    4. declare long k; store default long 0 to k
    5. load from jlong 1; subtract long 1 from long 1long 0; store long 0 to j store long 0 to k;
  • Pre decrement operator with the def type.

    def x = 1; 1
    --x;       2
    1. declare def x; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def to x
    2. load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 1; subtract int 1 from int 1int 0; implicit cast int 0 to def; store def to x

Use the unary positive operator '+' to the preserve the IDENTITY of a numeric type value.


  • If the value is a non-numeric type.


unary_positive: '+' expression;


  • Unary positive with different numeric types.

    int x = +1;  1
    long y = +x; 2
    1. declare int x; identity int 1int 1; store int 1 to x
    2. declare long y; load from xint 1; identity int 1int 1; implicit cast int 1 to long 1long 1; store long 1 to y
  • Unary positive with the def type.

    def z = +1; 1
    int i = +z; 2
    1. declare def z; identity int 1int 1; implicit cast int 1 to def; store def to z
    2. declare int i; load from zdef; implicit cast def to int 1; identity int 1int 1; store int 1 to i;

Use the unary negative operator '-' to NEGATE a numeric type value.


  • If the value is a non-numeric type.


unary_negative: '-' expression;


  • Unary negative with different numeric types.

    int x = -1;  1
    long y = -x; 2
    1. declare int x; negate int 1int -1; store int -1 to x
    2. declare long y; load from xint 1; negate int -1int 1; implicit cast int 1 to long 1long 1; store long 1 to y
  • Unary negative with the def type.

    def z = -1; 1
    int i = -z; 2
    1. declare def z; negate int 1int -1; implicit cast int -1 to def; store def to z
    2. declare int i; load from zdef; implicit cast def to int -1; negate int -1int 1; store int 1 to i;

Use the bitwise not operator '~' to NOT each bit in an integer type value where a 1-bit is flipped to a resultant 0-bit and a 0-bit is flipped to a resultant 1-bit.


  • If the value is a non-integer type.


original result
1 0
0 1


bitwise_not: '~' expression;


original promoted
byte int
short int
char int
int int
long long
def def


  • Bitwise not with different numeric types.

    byte b = 1;  1
    int i = ~b;  2
    long l = ~i; 3
    1. declare byte x; store byte 1 to b
    2. declare int i; load from bbyte 1; implicit cast byte 1 to int 1int 1; bitwise not int 1int -2; store int -2 to i
    3. declare long l; load from iint -2; implicit cast int -2 to long -2long -2; bitwise not long -2long 1; store long 1 to l
  • Bitwise not with the def type.

    def d = 1;  1
    def e = ~d; 2
    1. declare def d; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def to d;
    2. declare def e; load from ddef; implicit cast def to int 1int 1; bitwise not int 1int -2; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def to e

Use the multiplication operator '*' to MULTIPLY together two numeric type values. Rules for resultant overflow and NaN values follow the JVM specification.


  • If either of the values is a non-numeric type.


multiplication: expression '*' expression;


byte short char int long float double def
byte int int int int long float double def
short int int int int long float double def
char int int int int long float double def
int int int int int long float double def
long long long long long long float double def
float float float float float float float double def
double double double double double double double double def
def def def def def def def def def


  • Multiplication with different numeric types.

    int i = 5*4;      1
    double d = i*7.0; 2
    1. declare int i; multiply int 4 by int 5int 20; store int 20 in i
    2. declare double d; load from int iint 20; promote int 20 and double 7.0: result double; implicit cast int 20 to double 20.0double 20.0; multiply double 20.0 by double 7.0double 140.0; store double 140.0 to d
  • Multiplication with the def type.

    def x = 5*4; 1
    def y = x*2; 2
    1. declare def x; multiply int 5 by int 4int 20; implicit cast int 20 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 20; multiply int 20 by int 2int 40; implicit cast int 40 to defdef; store def to y

Use the division operator '/' to DIVIDE one numeric type value by another. Rules for NaN values and division by zero follow the JVM specification. Division with integer values drops the remainder of the resultant value.


  • If either of the values is a non-numeric type.
  • If a left-hand side integer type value is divided by a right-hand side integer type value of 0.


division: expression '/' expression;


byte short char int long float double def
byte int int int int long float double def
short int int int int long float double def
char int int int int long float double def
int int int int int long float double def
long long long long long long float double def
float float float float float float float double def
double double double double double double double double def
def def def def def def def def def


  • Division with different numeric types.

    int i = 29/4;     1
    double d = i/7.0; 2
    1. declare int i; divide int 29 by int 4int 7; store int 7 in i
    2. declare double d; load from int iint 7; promote int 7 and double 7.0: result double; implicit cast int 7 to double 7.0double 7.0; divide double 7.0 by double 7.0double 1.0; store double 1.0 to d
  • Division with the def type.

    def x = 5/4; 1
    def y = x/2; 2
    1. declare def x; divide int 5 by int 4int 1; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 1; divide int 1 by int 2int 0; implicit cast int 0 to defdef; store def to y

Use the remainder operator '%' to calculate the REMAINDER for division between two numeric type values. Rules for NaN values and division by zero follow the JVM specification.


  • If either of the values is a non-numeric type.


remainder: expression '%' expression;


byte short char int long float double def
byte int int int int long float double def
short int int int int long float double def
char int int int int long float double def
int int int int int long float double def
long long long long long long float double def
float float float float float float float double def
double double double double double double double double def
def def def def def def def def def


  • Remainder with different numeric types.

    int i = 29%4;     1
    double d = i%7.0; 2
    1. declare int i; remainder int 29 by int 4int 1; store int 7 in i
    2. declare double d; load from int iint 1; promote int 1 and double 7.0: result double; implicit cast int 1 to double 1.0double 1.0; remainder double 1.0 by double 7.0double 1.0; store double 1.0 to d
  • Remainder with the def type.

    def x = 5%4; 1
    def y = x%2; 2
    1. declare def x; remainder int 5 by int 4int 1; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 1; remainder int 1 by int 2int 1; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def to y

Use the addition operator '+' to ADD together two numeric type values. Rules for resultant overflow and NaN values follow the JVM specification.


  • If either of the values is a non-numeric type.


addition: expression '+' expression;


byte short char int long float double def
byte int int int int long float double def
short int int int int long float double def
char int int int int long float double def
int int int int int long float double def
long long long long long long float double def
float float float float float float float double def
double double double double double double double double def
def def def def def def def def def


  • Addition operator with different numeric types.

    int i = 29+4;     1
    double d = i+7.0; 2
    1. declare int i; add int 29 and int 4int 33; store int 33 in i
    2. declare double d; load from int iint 33; promote int 33 and double 7.0: result double; implicit cast int 33 to double 33.0double 33.0; add double 33.0 and double 7.0double 40.0; store double 40.0 to d
  • Addition with the def type.

    def x = 5+4; 1
    def y = x+2; 2
    1. declare def x; add int 5 and int 4int 9; implicit cast int 9 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 9; add int 9 and int 2int 11; implicit cast int 11 to defdef; store def to y

Use the subtraction operator '-' to SUBTRACT a right-hand side numeric type value from a left-hand side numeric type value. Rules for resultant overflow and NaN values follow the JVM specification.


  • If either of the values is a non-numeric type.


subtraction: expression '-' expression;


byte short char int long float double def
byte int int int int long float double def
short int int int int long float double def
char int int int int long float double def
int int int int int long float double def
long long long long long long float double def
float float float float float float float double def
double double double double double double double double def
def def def def def def def def def


  • Subtraction with different numeric types.

    int i = 29-4;     1
    double d = i-7.5; 2
    1. declare int i; subtract int 4 from int 29int 25; store int 25 in i
    2. declare double d load from int iint 25; promote int 25 and double 7.5: result double; implicit cast int 25 to double 25.0double 25.0; subtract double 33.0 by double 7.5double 25.5; store double 25.5 to d
  • Subtraction with the def type.

    def x = 5-4; 1
    def y = x-2; 2
    1. declare def x; subtract int 4 and int 5int 1; implicit cast int 1 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 1; subtract int 2 from int 1int -1; implicit cast int -1 to defdef; store def to y

Use the left shift operator '<<' to SHIFT lower order bits to higher order bits in a left-hand side integer type value by the distance specified in a right-hand side integer type value.


  • If either of the values is a non-integer type.
  • If the right-hand side value cannot be cast to an int type.


left_shift: expression '<<' expression;


The left-hand side integer type value is promoted as specified in the table below. The right-hand side integer type value is always implicitly cast to an int type value and truncated to the number of bits of the promoted type value.

original promoted
byte int
short int
char int
int int
long long
def def


  • Left shift with different integer types.

    int i = 4 << 1;   1
    long l = i << 2L; 2
    1. declare int i; left shift int 4 by int 1int 8; store int 8 in i
    2. declare long l load from int iint 8; implicit cast long 2 to int 2int 2; left shift int 8 by int 2int 32; implicit cast int 32 to long 32long 32; store long 32 to l
  • Left shift with the def type.

    def x = 4 << 2; 1
    def y = x << 1; 2
    1. declare def x; left shift int 4 by int 2int 16; implicit cast int 16 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 16; left shift int 16 by int 1int 32; implicit cast int 32 to defdef; store def to y

Use the right shift operator '>>' to SHIFT higher order bits to lower order bits in a left-hand side integer type value by the distance specified in a right-hand side integer type value. The highest order bit of the left-hand side integer type value is preserved.


  • If either of the values is a non-integer type.
  • If the right-hand side value cannot be cast to an int type.


right_shift: expression '>>' expression;


The left-hand side integer type value is promoted as specified in the table below. The right-hand side integer type value is always implicitly cast to an int type value and truncated to the number of bits of the promoted type value.

original promoted
byte int
short int
char int
int int
long long
def def


  • Right shift with different integer types.

    int i = 32 >> 1;  1
    long l = i >> 2L; 2
    1. declare int i; right shift int 32 by int 1int 16; store int 16 in i
    2. declare long l load from int iint 16; implicit cast long 2 to int 2int 2; right shift int 16 by int 2int 4; implicit cast int 4 to long 4long 4; store long 4 to l
  • Right shift with the def type.

    def x = 16 >> 2; 1
    def y = x >> 1;  2
    1. declare def x; right shift int 16 by int 2int 4; implicit cast int 4 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 4; right shift int 4 by int 1int 2; implicit cast int 2 to defdef; store def to y

Use the unsigned right shift operator '>>>' to SHIFT higher order bits to lower order bits in a left-hand side integer type value by the distance specified in a right-hand side type integer value. The highest order bit of the left-hand side integer type value is not preserved.


  • If either of the values is a non-integer type.
  • If the right-hand side value cannot be cast to an int type.


unsigned_right_shift: expression '>>>' expression;


The left-hand side integer type value is promoted as specified in the table below. The right-hand side integer type value is always implicitly cast to an int type value and truncated to the number of bits of the promoted type value.

original promoted
byte int
short int
char int
int int
long long
def def


  • Unsigned right shift with different integer types.

    int i = -1 >>> 29; 1
    long l = i >>> 2L; 2
    1. declare int i; unsigned right shift int -1 by int 29int 7; store int 7 in i
    2. declare long l load from int iint 7; implicit cast long 2 to int 2int 2; unsigned right shift int 7 by int 2int 3; implicit cast int 3 to long 3long 3; store long 3 to l
  • Unsigned right shift with the def type.

    def x = 16 >>> 2; 1
    def y = x >>> 1;  2
    1. declare def x; unsigned right shift int 16 by int 2int 4; implicit cast int 4 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 4; unsigned right shift int 4 by int 1int 2; implicit cast int 2 to defdef; store def to y

Use the bitwise and operator '&' to AND together each bit within two integer type values where if both bits at the same index are 1 the resultant bit is 1 and 0 otherwise.


  • If either of the values is a non-integer type.


1 0
1 1 0
0 0 0


bitwise_and: expression '&' expression;


byte short char int long def
byte int int int int long def
short int int int int long def
char int int int int long def
int int int int int long def
long long long long long long def
def def def def def def def


  • Bitwise and with different integer types.

    int i = 5 & 6;   1
    long l = i & 5L; 2
    1. declare int i; bitwise and int 5 and int 6int 4; store int 4 in i
    2. declare long l load from int iint 4; promote int 4 and long 5: result long; implicit cast int 4 to long 4long 4; bitwise and long 4 and long 5long 4; store long 4 to l
  • Bitwise and with the def type.

    def x = 15 & 6; 1
    def y = x & 5;  2
    1. declare def x; bitwise and int 15 and int 6int 6; implicit cast int 6 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 6; bitwise and int 6 and int 5int 4; implicit cast int 4 to defdef; store def to y

Use the bitwise xor operator '^' to XOR together each bit within two integer type values where if one bit is a 1 and the other bit is a 0 at the same index the resultant bit is 1 otherwise the resultant bit is 0.


  • If either of the values is a non-integer type.


The following table illustrates the resultant bit from the xoring of two bits.

1 0
1 0 1
0 1 0


bitwise_xor: expression '^' expression;


byte short char int long def
byte int int int int long def
short int int int int long def
char int int int int long def
int int int int int long def
long long long long long long def
def def def def def def def


  • Bitwise xor with different integer types.

    int i = 5 ^ 6;   1
    long l = i ^ 5L; 2
    1. declare int i; bitwise xor int 5 and int 6int 3; store int 3 in i
    2. declare long l load from int iint 4; promote int 3 and long 5: result long; implicit cast int 3 to long 3long 3; bitwise xor long 3 and long 5long 6; store long 6 to l
  • Bitwise xor with the def type.

    def x = 15 ^ 6; 1
    def y = x ^ 5;  2
    1. declare def x; bitwise xor int 15 and int 6int 9; implicit cast int 9 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 9; bitwise xor int 9 and int 5int 12; implicit cast int 12 to defdef; store def to y

Use the bitwise or operator '|' to OR together each bit within two integer type values where if at least one bit is a 1 at the same index the resultant bit is 1 otherwise the resultant bit is 0.


  • If either of the values is a non-integer type.


The following table illustrates the resultant bit from the oring of two bits.

1 0
1 1 1
0 1 0


bitwise_or: expression '|' expression;


byte short char int long def
byte int int int int long def
short int int int int long def
char int int int int long def
int int int int int long def
long long long long long long def
def def def def def def def


  • Bitwise or with different integer types.

    int i = 5 | 6;   1
    long l = i | 8L; 2
    1. declare int i; bitwise or int 5 and int 6int 7; store int 7 in i
    2. declare long l load from int iint 7; promote int 7 and long 8: result long; implicit cast int 7 to long 7long 7; bitwise or long 7 and long 8long 15; store long 15 to l
  • Bitwise or with the def type.

    def x = 5 ^ 6; 1
    def y = x ^ 8; 2
    1. declare def x; bitwise or int 5 and int 6int 7; implicit cast int 7 to defdef; store def in x
    2. declare def y; load from xdef; implicit cast def to int 7; bitwise or int 7 and int 8int 15; implicit cast int 15 to defdef; store def to y