
Has parent query

Returns child documents whose joined parent document matches a provided query. You can create parent-child relationships between documents in the same index using a join field mapping.


Because it performs a join, the has_parent query is slow compared to other queries. Its performance degrades as the number of matching parent documents increases. Each has_parent query in a search can increase query time significantly.

To use the has_parent query, your index must include a join field mapping. For example:

 PUT /my-index-000001 {
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
      "my-join-field": {
        "type": "join",
        "relations": {
          "parent": "child"
      "tag": {
        "type": "keyword"
 GET /my-index-000001/_search {
  "query": {
    "has_parent": {
      "parent_type": "parent",
      "query": {
        "term": {
          "tag": {
            "value": "Elasticsearch"
(Required, string) Name of the parent relationship mapped for the join field.
(Required, query object) Query you wish to run on parent documents of the parent_type field. If a parent document matches the search, the query returns its child documents.
(Optional, Boolean) Indicates whether the relevance score of a matching parent document is aggregated into its child documents. Defaults to false.

If false, Elasticsearch ignores the relevance score of the parent document. Elasticsearch also assigns each child document a relevance score equal to the query's boost, which defaults to 1.

If true, the relevance score of the matching parent document is aggregated into its child documents' relevance scores.

(Optional, Boolean) Indicates whether to ignore an unmapped parent_type and not return any documents instead of an error. Defaults to false.

If false, Elasticsearch returns an error if the parent_type is unmapped.

You can use this parameter to query multiple indices that may not contain the parent_type.

You cannot sort the results of a has_parent query using standard sort options.

If you need to sort returned documents by a field in their parent documents, use a function_score query and sort by _score. For example, the following query sorts returned documents by the view_count field of their parent documents.

 GET /_search {
  "query": {
    "has_parent": {
      "parent_type": "parent",
      "score": true,
      "query": {
        "function_score": {
          "script_score": {
            "script": "_score * doc['view_count'].value"