
APM agent compatibility

The chart below outlines the compatibility between different versions of Elastic APM agents and extensions with the APM integration.

APM agent version APM integration version
1.x 8.2
APM agent version APM integration version
0.x 8.12
APM agent version APM integration version
1.x 6.5
2.x 6.5
APM agent version APM integration version
1.x 8.12
APM agent version APM integration version
1.x 6.5

Java agent < 1.43.0 not fully compatible with APM Server >= 8.11.0. Read more in Known issues.

APM agent version APM integration version
1.x 6.5
APM agent version APM integration version
3.x 6.6
APM agent version APM integration version
1.x 7.0
APM agent version APM integration version
6.x 6.6
APM agent version APM integration version
3.x 6.5
4.x 6.5
APM agent version APM integration version
4.x 6.5
5.x 7.0