
Applications UI storage explorer user

View the Storage Explorer in the Applications UI.

  1. Create a new role, named something like storage-explorer_user, and assign the following privileges:

    Type Privilege Purpose
    Cluster monitor Monitor the disk space used by APM data streams
    Index monitor on logs-apm* Monitor access to logs-apm* for storage explorer
    Index monitor on metrics-apm* Monitor access to metrics-apm* for storage explorer
    Index monitor on traces-apm* Monitor access to traces-apm* for storage explorer
    Type Privilege Purpose
    Cluster monitor Monitor the disk space used by APM indices
    Index monitor on apm-* Monitor access to apm-* for storage explorer
  2. Assign the storage-explorer_user created previously, and the roles and privileges necessary to create a full or partial APM reader to any users that need to view Storage Explorer in the Applications UI.